We have ported the exam marks from Inspera and computed your final course mark. You should find these through WebCMS. A reminder that you need to score at least 16 marks on the final to pass the course. However, it is evident that the hurdle is not an issue for most students.
Final exam statistics and shout outs to high performing students are available in the slides here .
Well done everyone.
If you have any final comments or feedback, feel free to add them to this anonymous form .
The final exam marks and your answers are now visible in Inspera. You can access it through the exam link on the Moodle course page. Answers and explanations are available as general feedback for each question. Marker comments have been added for manually marked questions and for the two issues noted below. You will find these in the "Student Report".
We will port the exam marks to WebCMS and compute your final mark over the weekend. We will not be scaling the final exam marks, so you can compute your final mark by simply adding the following four components: FinalExam from Inspera (out of 40) + MidtermExam (out of 20) + Assignment (out of 20) + LabTotal (out of 20). A reminder that you need to score at least 16 marks on the final exam to pass the course.
Important Notes (please read carefully):
(1) I have manually checked all of your answers for the Distance Vector question where there was a typo in certain versions and to account for the late announcement from the exams unit. I have overridden the automarking and awarded additional marks where I saw a logical reason to do so to account for this issue. So please check the marks awarded even if Inspera may report your answer to be incorrect.
(2) There was also a minor typo in the third part in certain versions of the Ethernet Switch multi-part question. I have manually checked all of your answers and overridden the automarking and awarded additional marks where it made logical sense to do so. As above, check the marks awarded even if Inspera may report your answer to be incorrect. Note that, there is no carry-over effect to the remainder of the questions.
I will announce the honour roll of students who did well in the course on Monday. Well done everyone. I have enjoyed teaching this course and we hope you found it useful. I wish you the best for the remainder of your studies and your next adventure if you are graduating. If you are on campus in 2022, come and say hi.
Good luck everyone. Not meaning to be Captain Obvious but some advice:
May the force be with you all !!
The final exam will be held on Tuesday, 24th August 2021 from 09:45 am to 12 noon .
The exam will be managed and supervised by the UNSW Central Exam Unit. Their staff will be available to handle any technical issues that may arise. If you have any questions on the exam content, please ask their staff and they will relay the questions to me and pass on my response back to you. They have told me not to set up a parallel Zoom session so that there is a single support platform available for you. Thus, I have cancelled the Zoom meeting, which was circulated earlier and posted on the Exams page.
The Inspera exam link will be available through the course Moodle page - HERE . You should navigate to the bottom of the page and find the Final Exam activity. You will find some information about the support available as seen in the screen capture below.
The Inspera exam link will become visible at the time of the exam. If you have submitted ELS documentation, your exam time will be adjusted as per your approved conditions.
I am available for an exam consultation on Monday, 23rd August 2 pm to 3 pm: Zoom link (password: FortySix&2)
Good luck !!
The assignment marks have been released. Some comments are provided if marks were deducted. If you have specific questions about the marks, then please email your tutors as they marked your assignment. You can cc Ayda in your communication with the tutors. If you are not able to resolve any issues, then you may raise it with the LiC.
All lab marks are also available. You will also find a "LabTotal" field (out of 20 marks). To calculate this, we added the 5 best scores of your labs and scaled the total to 20 marks. These marks constitute the lab component of your final mark.
A reminder for the following final exam consultations. You are welcome to join and ask any questions:
A few announcements:
The assignment deadline is now behind us. Well done everyone.
Could I please request those who are yet to provide feedback through the myExperience surveys to kindly do so? Only 20% of the class has responded so far. I am sure you can all help and increase this number. I would very much appreciate it if you could complete this in the next couple of days. Thanks to those who have already done so. The survey will remain open till 12th August.
Lab 6 marks should be available early next week. A reminder that the 5 best performing labs will contribute to your final lab mark.
We will begin marking the assignment next week. We will aim to have the marks ready a few days before the final exam.
We encourage everyone to start preparations for the final exam. Several practice problems are available on the homework page which you can discuss on the forum. A practice exam is also available. Further details are on the Final Exam page.
Stay safe, have a good weekend and good luck studying for your exams.
This is a reminder that the assignment deadline is a little over 24 hours away - noon, Friday, 6th August.
A reminder again that submissions will be marked in the VLAB environment and through command line execution. It is thus imperative that you thoroughly test your code in VLAB before you submit it. If we cannot execute your code then we cannot award you any marks. We appreciate that you might write your code on your personal machine and use an IDE. However, we are unable to test it in that environment. Please pay attention to this point to avoid any frustration when marks are released. Remember to test your code thoroughly in VLAB.
Good luck !!
A practice final exam is now available in Inspera. The Moodle link is posted on the Final Exam page. To avoid the issues encountered with the practice mid-term exam, I have configured it differently. This means you can only sit this exam once and it will close in 2 hours + 10 minutes after you start the attempt. Please keep this in mind before attempting the exam. You should be able to view the correct answers in Inspera after you submit your attempt. I strongly encourage you to attempt the practice exam in Inspera to ensure that you are comfortable with the Inspera platform so that there are no surprises in the final exam.
I have also posted 2 PDF versions of the exam (one with just questions, the other with both questions and answers) on the Final Exam page.
Good luck with the practice exam and other exam preparation.
I will arrange for exam-specific consults on 19th August and 23rd August. Time and Zoom link to follow.
We have organised an extra C consultation for the assignment tomorrow (Tue, 3rd August) from 18:00 to 20:00, Zoom link .
The Java and Python consults for the week are scheduled as noted here .
A few important announcements for next week:
A number of announcements for Week 9:
Stay safe everyone. Have a good weekend and see you in the lectures next week.
Dear All,
Due to access problems with Webcms and Vlab , the Lab4 submission deadline has been extended by 24 hours (21/07/2021, 4 p.m.).
If you have any problems with Vlab, please post them in the forum or send an email to Salil.
The mid-term exam marks are now available. You can check your response and the correct answers for all questions in Inspera. Log into Moodle and access the same mid-term exam link as before.
Please ignore the Pass/Fail grade in Inspera . I am unable to turn this off. There is no such grade for the mid-term. The final mark for the course will be computed as noted in the course outline .
Within Inspera, you can click on "View without downloading" to see the questions and your answers. The correct answers are visible at the bottom of each page under "Feedback". If you click on the final tab at the bottom in this view (a tick mark), you will find the summary of marks and your score. For the questions that were manually marked, we have added some feedback if marks were deducted. You can view this by clicking "View Report" within Inspera.
Your total mark on the exam (out of 20) are also available through WebCMS.
We have been as generous as we can in awarding partial marks.
Want to find out how you fared compared to other students? Check out the class statistics available here .
A few announcements this week:
Have a good and safe weekend and see you in the lectures next week.
A few announcements:
1) A reminder that the mid-term exam will be held today, Tuesday, 13th July in our regular lecture time. The exam will open at 16:10 and close at 17:20. The Moodle link for the exam is HERE . Inspera will automatically submit your answers when the exam closes in case you haven't finished your attempt. We strongly recommend that you download a copy of any resources that you may need from the course webpage to your computer. If all 400+ of you access the WebCMS3 server at the same time, it may be slow to respond. If you have any questions for us, you can join the Zoom link HERE (password: FortySix&2) and type your question in the chat. Do not turn on your microphone. Good luck everyone and may the force be with you.
2) I recorded a video yesterday of the content for this week, where we begin our journey into the Network layer and IP. It is available in the usual Youtube and Echo360 playlists. Please make sure that you watch it before the live lectures next week. If you have any questions, post on the Ed forum.
3) In the lab this week ( Lab 4 ), you will work through a couple of exercises on TCP. You will also familiarise yourself with a network simulator called ns2, which will be used in subsequent labs. Lab 4 reports are due by 4pm, Tuesday, 20th July.
4) Special assignment specific consultations will run every week from Week 7 to Week 10. There are dedicated sessions for C, Java and Python. You are encouraged to avail of these sessions if you need help. Note that, the purpose of this session is to provide general help and NOT for tutors to debug your code. The schedule is on the assignment page.
Moodle Link for the Exam is here . Note that, the exam will use the Inspera Assessment Platform. Make sure you familiarise yourself with the platform by trying out the practice exam.
Note that the exam will open at 1:10 pm on Monday, 12th July and close at 2:20 pm . You will have 70 minutes to complete the exam.
A link to the Zoom Meeting is here in case you wish to ask us any questions. It is not required that you join the Zoom meeting.
Further details are on the mid-term exam page .
Good luck !!
I have extracted the questions and answers of the practice mid-term exam and posted them on the midterm page here .
I would still encourage everyone to have a go at the exam in Inspera as we will be using that platform for the mid-term exam. It will help you to get familiarised witt this platform. Note that the mid-term exam must be attempted "live" in a 70-minute time slot starting from 1:10 pm to 2:20 pm on Monday, 12th July .
All details are on the mid-term exam page .
Tip: To avoid overloading the WebCMS3 server, I would encourage everybody to download all slides and homework questions/answers to their computer.
I will post a Moodle link for the exam later today.
I have uploaded a video about the assignment, which is available in the Youtube and Echo360 playlists. The slides are available on the assignment page.
We have arranged assignment consultations in C, Python and Java in Weeks 7-10. The schedule is on the assignments page. The tutors will answer any queries that you may have about the assignment. However, do not expect them to debug your code.
Inspera will only allow one attempt for the sampe exam. You can only review the solutions if you complete and submit the attempt. If you let the system time out then you will NOT be able to view the solutions . Keep this in mind.
I will be available for an exam consult on Thursday, 8th July from 5pm to 6pm . Here is the Zoom link (password: FortyTwo&Six) if you wish to ask me any questions.
And another reminder, that the mid-term exam will be held on Monday, 12th July from 1pm to 3pm . Further details on the exam page .
A reminder that there are no labs and lectures this week due to flexibility week. Everybody is urged to use the time at hand to prepare for the mid-term exam and start working on the assignment.
The mid-term exam will be held on Monday, 12th July during regular lecture hours (1-3 pm). Further details including a sample exam are available on the mid-term exam page .
A sample mid-term exam is available here . The link is also posted to the Mid-term Exam page.
Answers are available as feedback after completing the exam. The questions that require manual marking won't be marked for the sample exam. You can examine the provided answers and compare them with your answers.
Everyone is strongly urged to attempt the exam. It will also familiarise you with the Inspera assessment environment.
The mid-term exam will be held during regular lecture hours (1:00 pm - 3:00 pm) on Monday, 12th July (Week 7).
Check the information available on the Mid-term Exam page (includes information about the content covered, exclusions, online meeting information, etc). A short video is also available in the Youtube and Echo360 playlists.
A practice exam will be released by Friday. An announcement on it will be forthcoming.
We would strongly urge everyone to provide input on their choice of programming language for the assignment in this poll . This will help us to appropriately schedule programming help sessions in Weeks 7-10, as we plan to run distinct C, Java and Python help sessions.
You are welcome to provide anonymous feedback about the course through the following
A reminder that there are no lectures or labs in Week 6 . You are all urged to make use of this week to prepare for the mid-term exam and get cracking on the assignment. Good luck and may the force be with you !!
Announcements for Week 5:
Have a good weekend and see you all in the lectures on Monday and Tuesday.
The assignment specification is available. It is long but for a reason. Read it carefully. Read it again (and again). The deadline is noon, Friday, 6th August (Week 10) . Assignment specific consultations will be arranged in Weeks 7-10. Details will follow. In the meantime, post questions to the Ed forum.
I have set up the following poll to get your feedback on the pacing of the lectures.
You are welcome to provide anonymous feedback about the course through the following
. We will try our best to take this into consideration.
A reminder that the mid-term exam will be held on Monday, 12th July (Week 7) during regular lecture hours (1-3 pm). Further details including a sample exam to follow next week.
A number of announcements for Week 4. Read carefully:
Have a great weekend and see you in lectures next week.
A reminder that today, 14th June, Monday is a public holiday . There will be no live lectures or consultations today.
A pre-recorded video covering E-mail, P2P, CDN and Socket Programming is available for your viewing in the Youtube and Echo360 video playlists.
The lab 1 deadline is 4 pm , Tuesday, 15th June.
See you in the live lecture tomorrow (15th June, Tuesday).
The Lab 1 report is due by 4 pm , Tuesday, 15th June . Submission instructions are in the lab spec. Submissions received via email will NOT be entertained. Do also note the requirement to submit a TAR archive. It is easy to create one using the command line tar utility in Linux (VLAB) or on Mac OS. On Windows, you can use 7-zip and on Mac OS you can alternately use Unarchiver .
Monday, 14th June is a public holiday. I have thus pre-recorded a lecture's worth of content covering E-mail, P2P, CDN and Socket Programming. The recording is available on the Youtube and Echo360 playlists. We will have our usual live lecture on Tuesday @ 4 pm where I will cover DNS and answer any questions you may have on the pre-recorded lecture content.
In Lab 2 , we will explore HTTP and learn to use a new tool called Wireshark, a protocol analyzer. We strongly encourage you to install Wireshark on your machine (instead of running it through VLAB). It is free and works on all operating systems. Download it here . You will also get your first exposure to socket programming. Sample working client/server programs in C/Java/Python are available under the Week 1 lecture content.
Very few students appear to be attempting the homework questions . We strongly encourage everyone to work through these questions on their own. We will post answers for the collated questions (e.g. Introduction Questions). However, the questions marked with " Students to Discuss Solutions " are exclusively left for you to work on. Please post your solutions on Ed . We are happy to provide feedback on your attempts, but will not provide ready solutions. This should serve as excellent practice for the exams.
Have a great long weekend and see you in the lecture on Tuesday !!
There is a minor glitch midway through the lecture where my audio is missing while showing an example of cookies using Firefox. I repeated the example again when I was alerted of this. As I got to the end of the example the second time, the wired network in my office went down and I was disconnecting from Zoom. I reconnected within a couple of minutes and restarted from where I left off. In summary, no content was lost. Apologies for the minor issues.
In the Week 2 lectures, we will wrap up our introduction to computer networks (protocol layers) and dive into networked applications (principles, Web/HTTP, Email). Slides are available for review.
Labs will commence in Week 2. Almost all labs are at full capacity. You MUST attend the lab class in which they have enrolled. The link to each lab class is posted on the Labs page . Recordings will be available. You will notice that there are two parallel lab classes, e.g., W14A and W14B. Make sure you attend the correct class as per your timetable. You are strongly urged to set up access to the VLAB environment prior to the lab . It is not an efficient use of your tutor's time if they have to explain this process to you during the lab. We encourage the use of TigerVNC. Check the instructions here . The first lab exercise is now available. You are strongly urged to read the Tools of the Trade introductory lab prior to the first lab. The first lab report is due by 4 pm, Tuesday 15th June (Week 3). Submission instructions are in the lab specification.
A number of problem-solving questions are accessible on the Homework Questions page. You are strongly encouraged to work through these questions on your own. We will post answers for the collated questions (e.g. Introduction Questions). However, the questions marked with " Students to Discuss Solutions " are exclusively left for you to work on. We are happy to provide feedback on your attempts, but will not provide ready solutions. Working through these questions will provide good practice for the exams. Please discuss them on the Ed Discussions Forum . You can join the forum via the following link: https://edstem.org/join/8egWkk
An early head's up that the mid-term exam will be held on Monday 12th July (Week 7) during regular class hours (1 pm - 3 pm). Mark this time in your calendar. The exam will be held online. Further information will be made available later.
Please complete the following polls if you haven't already: Poll 1 (Internet Speed) and Poll 2 (Your location)
Have a great weekend and see you online during the lectures on Monday & Tuesday !!
Some updates, please read carefully:
Have a wonderful Week 1 and see you in lectures next week.
A reminder that lectures being on Monday, 31st May 13:00 - 15:00 (Sydney time). The Zoom meeting links are on the Lectures page. You will also find all content for Week 1 lectures on this page.
Please read through the course outline prior to the lecture.
There are NO labs in Week 1, even if your calendar in myUNSW may say so. Labs will commence in Week 2. Further details to follow next week.
We will use Ed Discussions for the course forum. The default WebCMS forum has been disabled. Please join Ed here - https://edstem.org/join/8egWkk
You should post any course-related questions on Ed. If you must email us, use cs3331@cse.unsw.edu.au instead of personal email.
We would appreciate it if you could complete the following polls - Poll 1 (your location) and Poll 2 (your Internet speed)
See you in the lecture on Monday. Have a great weekend!
Welcome to COMP3331/9331, Term 2, 2021 . The course webpage is at www.cse.unsw.edu.au/~cs3331
A short welcome video is here: Youtube or Echo360 .
Given the current challenging circumstances, this course will be delivered fully online . This includes all components including lectures, labs and exams. Please read the course outline carefully .
Our first lecture will be held on Monday, 31st May from 13:00 - 15:00 We will use Zoom Meetings. Links to the Zoom Meetings are on the Lectures page.
All content for Week 1 will be available by Friday.
Labs will commence in Week 2 . Links for the labs will be posted next week.
We will be using Ed Discussions for the course forum. Please join via this link .
See you online on Monday.