
  • Assignment 3 and Overall Assessment

    Posted by Claude Sammut 5 years ago.

    Update to assignment

    I've made some minor updates to Please note that it's not possible to write a comprehensive English grammar with just a few rules. So there are many sentences that can't be parsed. For example, you can write "John gave the book to Mary", but not "John gave Mary the book".

    If the grammar can't parse sentence properly, it won't be tested. You can come up with your own test examples by trying the grammar and seeing what it can do.

    How will pass/fail be worked out for the course?

    You will have to have submitted a credible attempt at all three assignments and have a satisfactory mark for at least two. If the third is not considered to be credible, that will not be satisfactory overall. By credible, I mean that we don’t want you to just submit anything just to register a submission. We will have to judge it to be a real attempt.

    Assignment 1 marks should be out and assignment 2, I hope will be out at the end of this week.

  • Consultation Session Thursday 3pm

    Posted by Claude Sammut 5 years ago.

    I'll hold another consultation session for assignment 3 tomorrow (7 May) at 3pm on Blackboard Collaborate.

  • Help Session

    Posted by Claude Sammut 5 years ago.

    I will be on Blackboard Collaborate today at 2:30pm for an hour to answer questions about the assignment. Use the Help Session link under the Collaborate link.

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