
  • Provisional Final Marks Available

    Posted by Robert Clifton-Everest 6 years ago.

    Hi All,

    You should now be able to see your provisional final grades.

    If your grade is WD or WC then your result is being witheld till after you have sat a supplementary exam. This will be because either you applied for special consideration due to misadventure or you failed the course but your mark was considered close enough that with a second chance you may be able to pass. For those people, you should hear in the next couple of days from the exams unit when the supp is being held.

  • Sample Exam Solution

    Posted by Robert Clifton-Everest 6 years ago.

    Hi All,

    The solution to the sample exam is available here . If you've not already attempted to answer the questions in the sample exam yourself, I suggest doing that before you look at the solutions.


  • Exam consultations

    Posted by Robert Clifton-Everest 6 years ago.

    Hi All,

    I'll be running exam consultations from next Friday. Go to 'Timetable' on the left hand side of the course website for the exact dates and times.


Upcoming Due Dates

There is nothing due!


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