
  • Assignment 3 Marks

    Posted by Tatjana Zrimec 3 years ago, last modified 3 years ago.

    The marks for Assignment 3 are available on WebCMS3.

  • Assignment 2 Marks

    Posted by Tatjana Zrimec 3 years ago, last modified 3 years ago.

    The marks for Assignment 2 are available on WebCMS3.

  • ​Assignment 3 Report Specification

    Posted by Claude Sammut 3 years ago.

    To give you some extra time, the report deadline will be extended to 10pm Tuesday 30 November. We will still have all the demos this week.

    The report should provide the following information:

    1. Your name and student ID.
    2. Your team name and tutorial group.
    3. Summary : a one paragraph summary of the task and your individual contribution to the team
    4. Team solution: Approximately one page of text (Not including diagrams or screenshots) explaining your team’s approach to doing the assignment
    5. Individual contribution: Approximately one page explaining your individual contribution (This is the most important section)
    6. Evaluation: Approximately one page discussing how effective your team’s and your own contributions were.
    7. References: If you have cited any papers or web pages (e.g. ROS tutorials, etc) list them in the last section.

    Note that the page count is only a guideline, feel free to give a more detailed explanation if it is needed.

Upcoming Due Dates

There is nothing due!


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