The marks for Assignment 3 are available on WebCMS3.
The marks for Assignment 2 are available on WebCMS3.
To give you some extra time, the report deadline will be extended to 10pm Tuesday 30 November. We will still have all the demos this week.
The report should provide the following information:
Note that the page count is only a guideline, feel free to give a more detailed explanation if it is needed.
Teams seemed to be struggling with the map saving more than we initially expected, so we're going to provide sample code for it. If your team already tried another way of saving the map that worked, we want to give you marks for that. Notify the tutors about that and write in your report how you went about saving the map.
Sample code:
Note that you're not meant to use that package directly. You're meant to use the code as a sample to write something similar in your exploration node.
The Assignment 3 Details have been released.
You must get started early, and work as a group, to complete the full task on time.
Important note: The QR code format has changed since the previous announcement. Make sure you're using the newest map, that has one QR code per room.
The new map with more qr codes have been released on the
assignment 3 page
Instructions for navigation have also been added.
More details on the PDDL part of the assignment can be found
We understand that there's not much time left, so the instructions are quite detailed, so hopefully, you can do what's needed in the next few weeks. We'll do the demos in week 11.
This assignment + report is worth 50% but the marking scheme also weights your previous work on navigation and QR codes, so not all of the marks come from just this last work on planning.
Please note that we will not have any live lectures in weeks 9 and 10, so you can focus on the assignment.
This week, in the labs, you will complete the demonstration for assignment 2, and submit your individual report by the end of the week. The give command will be setup shortly.
I've posted an outline of assignment 3, which well fill out this week. We've cut down the size of the assignment so that you can finish it in time. Even though the final assignment is worth 50%, the assessment won't be just in the work you do in the last couple of weeks, it will also take into account the overall project work through the term, so if there are things you want to improve from the first two assignments, this will give you that opportunity.
This week's lecture will be the last live lecture, so you can focus on the assignment. It will be a short one, explaining some of the details of assignment 3.
Please remember we are still having labs this week. The lab exercises are now available. Also remember that the lab exercises are also the specifications for assignment 2 .
If your group is able to demo the assignment in week 7, please do. We'll make the hard deadline week 8, but the sooner you complete the second assignment, the sooner you can move on to the third one, which is really part three of our term-long project.
This assignment is worth 30% of your marks. It will be marked the same way as the first, i.e. half the marks will come from a group demo. The other half will be for an individual report that you will submit give give, which should detail your contribution to the team. It does not have to be long. The report is due at the end of week 8.
We will still have labs in week 6, so you can keep working on assignment 2. This week you should have worked out how to use transforms. Next week, we'll work on the vision and QR code reader.
There won't be a formal lecture on Tuesday, but if you are interested in RoboCup@Home, we'll be showing videos from the 2019 competition (the last live event) and answering any questions you might have.
I forgot to start the live lecture recordings today, so I will record them again and post a link as soon as I can. This will include a description of the labs for this week, which will also get you started on the second assignment.
UPDATE: Please note that the links to this week's lectures are here on WebCMS, along wth the Week 5 slides. You will not find them on BB Collaborate.
Sorry, I didn't know there was a typo in the assignment spec until now. The due time today is 10pm, not 1pm.
Please see the update to the assignment spec, in response to some questions about the assessment. The give command has also been setup now.
The assignment 1 spec was given to you in the week 2 lab, but you can find a formal spec under the assignments link in the WebCMS menu. Note that you should document your results in a table and you should submit the table as a PDF file at the end of week 4.
Some people have expressed interest in joining the RoboCup Soccer team at UNSW, here is a
recruitement video
for the team.
Here is a
from a recent competitition, to see what a robot soccer game looks like.
The team has a signup form , fill in your details there if you're interested in hearing more! Recruitement sessions and workshops will be held soon, so you'll have to join now and not later!
Some people have expressed interest in joining the RoboCup@Home team at UNSW.
There are a couple of videos from the last competition we did
We've made a
signup sheet
, fill in your details if you're interested in hearing more! We will hold a meeting soon.
Please remember to go to the Moodle page for COMP3431 and click on the Live lectures link to get access to tomorrow's lecture.
Under the Lectures menu item in the left sidebar, I've also posted the slides for week 1 and the lab exercises for this week. They are mainly to get the virtual machine setup and start the online ROS tutorials. I suggest looking over them before your lab as you'll have to download the VM, which is about 8GB, so you can save some time by downloading it in advance.
Welcome to the Robot Software Architectures. This course will introduce you to practical robot programming using the ROS2 software environment and the TurtleBot3 robot. Unfortunately, do to COVID restrictions, most of our work will have to be done in simulation. ROS/Gazebo is the simulator we'll use. We have prepared a virtual machine with Ubuntu 20.04 and ROS2 install. We will use the first lab to help you get setup up with everything you need.
To begin, all out lectures and labs will be on Blackboard Collaborate . To access it, use Moodle to go the COMP3431 page and there you should find a link to the live lecture and lab sessions. The timetable below shows you who your tutors are in each lab session. Lectures are Tuesday 10am-12pm. Because of network reliability (or not) I will try to out up pre-recorded lectures, here on WebCMS , and use the lecture time to play the recording and be online to answer questions in the chat.
This is a project based course, so you will be working in groups to program the robots to perform tasks that would be needed for a robot to operate in a home environment. There will be three assessments:
If possible, we'll try to give you the opportunity to try these out in the lab with real robots, but that will depend on whether we can do this safely under the current circumstance.
Tue 10am-12pm | Lecture |
Wed 2pm - 5pm | Lina, Dylan |
Thu 12pm - 3pm | Germán, Toby |
Thu 3pm - 6pm | Oliver, Kenji |
Fri 2pm - 5pm | Colm, Stathi |