
  • Extra time in today's lab

    Posted by Claude Sammut about a year ago.

    This afternoon, we'll open the robotics lab (17-510), at 4pm so that you have extra time to prepare the demo.

    This is for Wednesday groups ONLY. We will do the same for Thursday groups tomorrow.

  • Template for final report

    Posted by Claude Sammut about a year ago, last modified about a year ago.

    The final report is due at the end of week 11 (Sunday 11:59:59pm). Please follow this template when writing the report. Remember that this is your individual report, so it's important to tell us about your individual contribution. Submission details are given in the Stage 2 project description .

  • Tuesday lab 2-4pm

    Posted by Claude Sammut about a year ago.

    This Tuesday 2-4pm, we'll have a lab session in the Robotics lab in Ainsworth J17-510. Willis 212 will be occupied by another class, so you'll have to bring your robot from Willis up to level 5 of Ainsworth.

    The maze will be setup on the RoboCup field. You must take your shoes off to protect the carpet. Also please note that your robot will behave a little differently on carpet versus the smooth concrete floor, so some parameters, especially associated with turning, may have to be changed.

    The Robotic lab is occupied by PhD students, so please keep the noise down and we cannot have too many groups in the lab at once, so we may have to schedule times when you have access to the field.

Upcoming Due Dates

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