I will be available 2 - 3pm Tuesday 4 December in K17 104 on the first floor of the CSE (K17) building to discuss any issues you have with the course and its assessments.
Provisional marks for COMP4418 are now available. Please note that these results have not yet been confirmed by the University and may be subject to change.
Marks for all assignments are also available.
I will be available 2 - 3pm Thursday 29 November in K17 104 on the first floor of the CSE (K17) building to discuss any issues you have with the course and its assessments.
I have updated the slides for non-cooperative game theory Lecture 12 by adding a helpful slide on page 17 on weakly dominated actions.
When asked to compute a Nash equilibrium, it can be helpful to identify a weakly dominated action. Such an action is never played in a best response or a Nash equilibrium.