
  • COMP4601 Evaluations

    Posted by Oliver Diessel 8 years ago, last modified 8 years ago.

    You will have received an email from me containing the following information and attachments on 23 May at 11:26:

    During today's lecture I will explain the COMP4601 course assessments that will occur next week.

    These include:

    1. Project demos during the usual lab sessions in Week 13 (Mon-Tue, 29-30 May)
    2. Project presentations during the usual lecture slot next week (Tue 30 May), and a
    3. Final Project Report due by midnight next Friday (2 June).

    Attached to this email are assessment guides that were used during 2016 to assess the demos and presentations . This year's assessments will be similar.

    Also attached is an Interview form , which I would like you to complete prior to your exit interview next Friday, 2 June. I would like to meet with every class member for 10 minutes on Friday 2 June to discuss your experiences on the course. The completed interview form will enable this process, so please email me a PDF copy of your completed form by 9:00am on 2 June.

    To organize a time for your exit interview, please select a time that suits you using the Doodle poll at

    Finally, you will already have received an email from the University inviting you to complete a MyExperience survey for each of your courses. Could I please ask you to complete the course & teaching surveys for COMP4601 as soon as possible? The surveys can be accessed at



    Password: zPass

  • Week 9 Progress Review

    Posted by Oliver Diessel 8 years ago.

    As outlined on slide 44 of the Introductory Lecture , a Project Progress (Design) Review will be conducted during Week 9. This entails a project demo to Oliver during the Monday or Tuesday lab session, and the submission of a brief report by midnight on Friday. You will be marked as a team; together, these assessable components contribute 10% to your total course mark.

    The project demo will involve the group demonstrating their progress towards getting the application running on the Zedboard with suitable functions accelerated in programmable logic. You are not expected to have the final implementation working at this stage. This provides an opportunity to discuss your progress to date, as well as your plans for completing the project. It may help to have some clear diagrams prepared that illustrate your system architecture or solution approach.

    The Progress Report is likely to be about 5 pages in length, to outline the goals of the project, to present and discuss the profiling results, to present your system architecture with block diagrams of your proposed design, to report on your progress to date, to highlight what work still needs to be done, to provide a credible plan for completing the work, and to report on any difficulties you have had to date, how you have overcome them, and/or how you have modified your objectives to account for the problems you have encountered. Your report should explain the PS<->PL communication strategy you are using, detail the hardware design of your accelerator, and describe how you plan to measure the performance of the accelerated system relative to that of the unaccelerated, software-only implementation. Please send Oliver a PDF of your report by midnight, Friday 5 May.

  • Lab reports marked

    Posted by Oliver Diessel 8 years ago, last modified 8 years ago.

    Lab reports are marked and are loaded into SMS along with your project plan scores.

    To retrieve these, enter comp4601 classrun -sturec at the UNIX prompt of your CSE home account.

    Lab reports will be returned next week.

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