
  • Thesis Marks

    Posted by John Shepherd 4 years ago.

    You have probably all noticed that you got LE for thesis in your 21T2 Thesis marks.

    Don't panic. It simply means that the thesis marks haven't been finalised. We are still waiting for some recalcitrant academics to do their marking.

    Hopefully they'll be sorted out by early next week.

  • CSE Research Thesis Talk: "How to Write a Good Thesis" by Prof. Gernot Heiser

    Posted by Jing Hsu 4 years ago, last modified 4 years ago.

    Dear Thesis A students,

    Thesis writing is one of the most important tasks. To help you write a good thesis, Scientia Prof Gernot Heiser will give a talk "how to write a good thesis report".

    Prof. Gernot Heiser is an award-winning professor from CSE and his research work on microkernel has been deployed on billions of mobile devices.

    The talk will take place at 12 noon on Friday 10 Sept (Week 0 of Term 3) on Zoom.

    Please add the time ( Please click here for Zoom meeting details ) to your calendar.

    Best Regards,


  • Report Submission reminder

    Posted by Jing Hsu 4 years ago.

    Please submit your Thesis A report before due time 10pm 11th Aug .

    If your project is registered in, then please submit there.

    If you're doing your project via Moodle, submit on Moodle.

    Thesis Plagiarism Check must be summitted to Moodle.

    Thanks, Jing

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