
  • Reminder: "How to write a good thesis?" talk at 1pm on Thur, Week 2

    Posted by Chun Tung Chou Monday 16 September 2024, 08:51:24 AM, last modified Monday 16 September 2024, 08:51:36 AM.

    A reminder on the Thesis talk "How to write a good thesis?" in Week 2. The talk will be given by Prof. Gernot Heiser who is an award winning professor from CSE and his work has been used in billions of devices worldwide.

    The talk will be at 1pm, Thur 19 Sept 2024 (Week 2). This is a hybrid seminar. We encourage you to attend in person. The physical location is Design Next Studio, Level 5, Ainsworth Building (J17).

    For online attendance, the Zoom login details are here on the Thesis B WebCMS3 website (login required)

    I look forward to seeing you in the talk. The talk will be recorded and made available.

  • Talk on "How to write a good thesis?" (Week 2)

    Posted by Chun Tung Chou Tuesday 03 September 2024, 12:46:16 PM, last modified Tuesday 03 September 2024, 12:46:31 PM.

    I am pleased to announce the Thesis talk "How to write a good thesis?" in Week 2. The talk will be given by Prof. Gernot Heiser who is an award winning professor from CSE and his work has been used in billions of devices worldwide.

    The talk will be at 1pm, Thur 19 Sept 2024 (Week 2). This is a hybrid seminar. We encourage you to attend in person. The physical location is Design Next Studio, Level 5, Ainsworth Building (J17).

    For online attendance, the Zoom login details are here on the Thesis B WebCMS3 website (login required)

    I look forward to seeing you in the talk. The talk will be recorded and made available.

  • Welcome to Thesis B!

    Posted by Chun Tung Chou Tuesday 03 September 2024, 12:38:41 PM, last modified Tuesday 03 September 2024, 12:38:58 PM.

    Welcome to Thesis B!

    I hope you had a good break and are ready to get Thesis B started. Please send an email to your supervisor to find a regular meeting time so that you can resume your Thesis work.

    There is only one deliverable for Thesis B: demo in week 11. Some useful resources at the Thesis B website are: marking criteria for Thesis B demo, sample Thesis B demo slides, etc.

    It is important to point out that, although the deliverable is in Week 11, you will need to work steadily each week in order to complete the plan that you have made for Thesis B.

    I will send a separate announcement in a moment on "How to write a good thesis" talk in Week 2.

    All the best for your Thesis B!

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