
  • Passing on opportunity

    Posted by Hayden 🎉 3 years ago.

    Hi everyone,

    An opportunity was pushed across my desk relating to a UNSW project, I thought I'd pass it on. see below.

    If you're interested, please reach out to with your Resume/CV and academic transcript. I will verify your COMP6771 mark upon request if Andrew asks me and can show you've sent a copy of your transcript.

    If I had to guess, they'll predominately be interested in students who scored more than 80/100 in COMP6771 and maybe have some other project experience. But who knows! No harm in reaching out if it interests you.

    I don't have any more information, so best to reach out to them!


  • Supp exam when close to failing

    Posted by Hayden 🎉 4 years ago.

    If you are a student in your final term and this was the only course you have failed; you will have been identified by the student services team as a student who's potentially eligible for supplementary assessment (e.g. a Supp exam).
    If this is not your final course in your final term, we cannot offer you supplementary assessment, except via Special Consideration.
    - CSE

  • Supplementary Exam

    Posted by Hayden 🎉 4 years ago, last modified 4 years ago.

    Students sitting the supplementary exam will have details sent to them 10 minutes prior to the exam start time. UNSW Exams unit has emailed you with date details. The exam will run from 2pm-5pm.

Upcoming Due Dates

There is nothing due!


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