
  • Results available

    Posted by Paul Hunter Monday 27 November 2017, 11:36:36 PM.

    Hi all,

    You should now be able to see your assignment grades as well as a preliminary overall grade on WebCMS and sms. Please note that the results may change. If you failed to achieve the 40% requirement for the exam, your final grade will be listed as 40 FL. I am currently working through determining the students who will qualify for a supplementary exam - assignment & quiz marks and performance on the final exam will all contribute to that decision. Those students will be advised soon.

    It is entirely possible I have made some errors when transcribing the results, please let me know if you believe there has been a significant omission/error asap - note that it may take me some time to give individual feedback, but I will certainly check any issues raised.



  • Exam queries

    Posted by Paul Hunter Friday 03 November 2017, 03:36:23 PM.

    Hi all,

    I'm getting a couple of concerned emails and I thought I'd send out a bulk email to (hopefully) help calm everyone.

    Firstly, there was an error in the first multiple-choice question on the exam, which I was unaware of until just now - the correct answer, 6, was not an option, so the question will be dropped (everyone gets it correct!). My apologies for not being able to address it this morning - if anyone mentioned it to an invigilator, then the information was not passed on to me. Incidentally, issues like this are why lecturers are required to be available during the examination - if you have serious concerns about a question then you should raise it with an invigilator who should pass it on to the lecturer in charge. Once raised, carry on with the rest of the exam (try to not let them take your exam paper, and do not waste time waiting for a resolution). If your issue is not resolved satisfactorily before you need it to be in order to answer the question, answer it to the best of your ability, highlighting the assumptions you are making (if possible).

    Secondly, as the previous point highlights, I am human (last I checked) and I will be marking your papers. I will be checking all of your books (which is why they were all collected), primarily to see if there is anything I can award partial credit for. So as long as it is clear what question you are answering, it does not matter whether your answers are all in a book, or on the exam paper - the only issue being if I cannot easily find/identify them. Likewise, it doesn't matter too much whether you used a cross/tick/circle/smiley face if you only marked one multiple choice answer. Corrections to multiple choice answers should have followed the instructions at the front of the exam paper to avoid ambiguities.

    Finally, I am wading through the assignment mark request emails (keep them coming!) and will answer everyone eventually.

    Don't panic - I think most of you will be surprised at where/how you end up picking up marks, so there's a good chance you have done better than you believe. Focus on your next exams (if you have more).

    As always, I will be available to address specific individual concerns and I am happy to answer any further questions/issues you have.


  • Change in consultation time

    Posted by Paul Hunter Thursday 02 November 2017, 07:48:30 AM.

    Hi all,

    I will not be available for consultation until 12:30 today (because apparently USyd still have classes this week)

  • Assignment marks

    Posted by Paul Hunter Wednesday 01 November 2017, 07:29:10 AM.

    Hi All,

    I'm still having issues with the assignment marks, and it doesn't look like it will be resolved before the exam. Please email me if you would like to know your marks. Those that have already emailed me and are waiting for a response (including those that emailed me before the weekend and whose Assignment 2 marks I didn't have): I will get back to you very soon and I will include your marks for Assignment 3.

    Thank you for your patience,


  • Solutions and consultation time

    Posted by Paul Hunter Wednesday 01 November 2017, 03:34:05 AM.

    Hi all,

    I have put up the solutions for the final quiz and the final assignment.

    The recording of the last lecture has also been put up on Moodle.

    I will be available for last minute consultation on Thursday, November 2 from 12-4pm in Room 402.

  • FAQ

    Posted by Manas Patra Wednesday 01 November 2017, 02:35:44 AM.

    I have answered some questions asked by students under the heading "FAQ 1". It is in the lectures section.

  • Consultation and FAQ

    Posted by Manas Patra Thursday 26 October 2017, 11:08:20 PM.

    Hello all. I will (I think Paul too) have consultations next week at the usual times. On Tuesday, I will stay till 6pm.

    I also encourage you to email your questions regarding any of the topics. The questions should be short and clear and deal with understanding or clarification of concepts. If there are enough questions I will create a FAQ to help all.

    Good luck!

  • Q4 on Assignment 3

    Posted by Paul Hunter Tuesday 24 October 2017, 06:28:25 PM.

    As a few of you have tried to point out, and someone has finally managed to, my "fix" for Q4 on the assignment does not actually achieve what I wanted. In short, there are often many "steady state solutions" (as there are for this question), and the one you actually reach from the initial configuration given in this question oscillates between two distributions, rather than stabilizing on a single one as I intended. I thought adding an extra vertex would fix this problem, but it needed something else (I believe an edge between v1 and v3 would have been sufficient). Note that there are initial configurations which will reach a single steady state (for example the single state distribution), so you should continue to attempt the question as posed . That is, assume that we start in a configuration that will converge to a single steady state (i.e. one where p i (n+1) = p i (n)) and solve for that steady state.

  • Quiz 10 now online

    Posted by Paul Hunter Sunday 22 October 2017, 01:18:07 AM.

    Hi All,

    Quiz 10 is now online, apologies for the delay.

    Because I want to cover the answers in the final lecture it will still be due on Thursday at 15:00.

  • Correction to the assignment

    Posted by Paul Hunter Tuesday 17 October 2017, 05:16:16 PM.

    Hi All,

    I have had to make a small change to the assignment so that the answer works properly - the graph in Q4 now has 5 vertices instead of 4. The corrected assignment is now online. Anyone that has already attempted the question should have no problem adjusting to the correction, but please contact me if the change does cause any significant difficulties.


  • Assignment 3 - Due 29 October

    Posted by Paul Hunter Sunday 15 October 2017, 05:19:36 AM.

    Hi all,

    The final assignment is now available. It is due on Sunday, October 29 at 23:59 .

    Please note that only pdf files will be accepted for submission. You may submit more than once - your latest submission is the one which will be marked. I suggest attempting at least one submission a few days before the deadline in case you run into difficulties.

    Please contact me if you have any issues with your submission.

  • Delay of Quiz 9

    Posted by Paul Hunter Sunday 08 October 2017, 12:52:42 PM.

    Hi all,

    Due to illness, the availability of Quiz 9 has been delayed. The due date will be adjusted accordingly.



  • Correction...

    Posted by Paul Hunter Tuesday 03 October 2017, 09:45:52 PM.

    The error was in Q4, not Q5.

  • Error in Quiz 8

    Posted by Paul Hunter Tuesday 03 October 2017, 09:43:58 PM.

    Hi all,

    I have noticed an error in one of the questions (Q5) in this week's quiz. It has now been corrected. While I do not believe the correction significantly affects the intent of the question, the revised question is different enough that it may affect some answers. I have contacted students that, according to my records, have already attempted the quiz (and not received full marks). If you are yet to complete the quiz, please make sure you have the latest version of the questions. If you completed the older version of the quiz and have not been contacted by me (and did not receive 5/5), please get in touch.

    Sorry for the inconvenience,


  • Change in consultation room

    Posted by Manas Patra Tuesday 03 October 2017, 05:14:16 PM.

    There is a small change in the consultation room for Tuesday. It is 402 instead of 403.

  • Availability during the break (ctd)

    Posted by Paul Hunter Friday 22 September 2017, 10:24:16 AM.

    I also will be available for consultation between 12:30-4:00 on Thursday during the break

  • Availibilty during the break

    Posted by Manas Patra Friday 22 September 2017, 10:17:29 AM.

    I will be available at CSE on Monday (1pm onward) and Tuesday (2.30pm onward). So if you want to discuss anything regarding the course send me an email. We will meet in one of the consultation rooms.

  • Semester break

    Posted by Manas Patra Monday 18 September 2017, 01:29:17 PM, last modified Monday 18 September 2017, 01:33:35 PM.

    There is a one-week break starting next week. So there will be no lectures or consultations. The forum will remain open of course!

  • Assignment 2 - Due 1st October

    Posted by Paul Hunter Sunday 17 September 2017, 02:01:48 AM.

    Assignment 2 is now online and available in the "Assignments" section from the course website.

    Some of the assignment includes material that will be covered in the upcoming lecture.
    Please note that only pdf files will be accepted for submission. You may submit more than once - your latest submission is the one which will be marked. I suggest attempting at least one submission a few days before the deadline in case you run into difficulties.

    Please contact me if you have any issues with your submission.

  • Delay of Quiz 6

    Posted by Paul Hunter Friday 08 September 2017, 02:18:08 PM.

    Hi all,

    This week's quiz will be available in a few hours.

    Thank you for your patience,


  • Marks on WebCMS (clarification)

    Posted by Paul Hunter Wednesday 30 August 2017, 10:51:47 PM.

    Hi all,

    Just to clarify, the previous notice was about your existing marks (i.e. Quizzes 1,2,3 and shortly 4). Assignment 1 is still being marked - I hope to have the marks available by the end of next week.



  • Marks on WebCMS

    Posted by Paul Hunter Wednesday 30 August 2017, 09:24:58 AM.

    Hi all,

    Currently the WebCMS interface to the mark system SMS is down. As a result you won't be able to see your marks through WebCMS for a while (hopefully not more than one or two days). You can still access your results via the command line on CSE workstations with the command:

    9020 classrun -sturec

    Or via Give/SMS's own web interface here:

    Sorry for the inconvenience,


  • Change in consultation times

    Posted by Manas Patra Tuesday 29 August 2017, 05:53:05 PM.

    To help students who work I have changed the consultation times for Tuesday, effective from next week. Remember the consultations are for any difficulties related to the course that you may have. We are there to help!

  • Problems with submissions. Consultation.

    Posted by Manas Patra Saturday 19 August 2017, 08:56:23 AM.

    Please let us know if you have any issues with submission as soon as possible. Feel free to discuss with ether of us any issue related to the course in the Consultations. We are here to help!

  • Quiz 3 now online

    Posted by Paul Hunter Friday 18 August 2017, 12:05:39 PM.

    Quiz 3 covering equivalence relations, partial orders and matrices is now available online.

    Marks for the previous quizzes should be available in SMS, at the very least in the next 24 hours - please contact me if you believe there has been an error.

  • Assignment 1 - Due 25th August

    Posted by Paul Hunter Saturday 12 August 2017, 03:08:21 AM.

    Assignment 1 is now online and available in the "Assignments" section from the course website.

    Some of the assignment includes material that will be covered in the upcoming lecture.
    Please note that only pdf files will be accepted for submission. You may submit more than once - your latest submission is the one which will be marked. I suggest attempting at least one submission a few days before the deadline in case you run into difficulties.

    Please contact me if you have any issues with your submission.

  • Consultation hours

    Posted by Paul Hunter Friday 11 August 2017, 03:56:34 PM, last modified Monday 14 August 2017, 01:09:15 PM.

    I have arranged for myself and the course administrator, Manas Patra, to be available for student consultation at the following times and locations:

    • Monday: 1pm -2pm. Room 402 K17.
    • Tuesday: 4pm-5pm. Room 403 K17.
    • Thursday: 1pm-2pm. Room 402 K17.

    We are also still available via email and the course forums.

    Please let us know if these times suit you.

  • Quiz 2 now online

    Posted by Paul Hunter Friday 11 August 2017, 03:40:54 PM.

    Quiz 2, covering functions and relations is now available on the WebCMS site. It is due on Thursday 17 August at 15:00.

    A reminder that Quiz 1 is due at 23:59 tonight .

  • Quiz 1 now online

    Posted by Paul Hunter Saturday 05 August 2017, 01:41:53 AM.

    Quiz 1, covering Numbers, Sets & Alphabets is now available online.

    Apologies for the delay, as a consequence it is due on Friday Aug 11, 23:59.

    It is not timed, but you may only make one submission, so please be careful when you submit your answer.

    The quiz questions involve mathematical symbols using unicode - I do not know if everyone will be able to correctly view the content, so please contact me if you have trouble viewing the quiz in your browser.

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