
  • Final notice for COMP9020

    Posted by Paul Hunter 4 years ago.

    Hi all,

    You are now able to view your assignment marks for COMP9020. Please have a look via the course website and let me know if there are any gross errors/omissions. I am happy to give individual feedback if you want further clarification. Note that even though final results are being submitted, amendments can (and have) been made for several months.

    It is against university policy to release provisional overall results before the official release of grades, so unfortunately I cannot release your exam results. Once those results are released however, I am happy to provide any additional feedback.

    To conclude the course, I have posted a post-course poll (mirroring the pre-course poll) to see if this course has changed your mind one way or the other.

    Thanks all (especially for putting up with the random zoom drop outs),


  • Last general notice before final exam

    Posted by Paul Hunter 4 years ago.

    Hi all,

    A reminder that the final exam for this course is due to start in 8 hours.

    You access the final exam from the course's Moodle page here:

    If you have not done so already, please access this page to check that you can see the information pertaining to the final exam and please register for the exam well in advance of the 13:45 start time. Registration involves completing a couple of forms and (I believe) following the link for the final exam which will be activated once you complete the forms. You will not be able to see the questions prior to 13:45. Please let me know asap if there are any issues with this first step - especially if you cannot see the forms that you need to complete.

    Solution content

    I have finally managed to upload most of the outstanding solution content to the course website. This includes:

    • Solutions to the Assignments
    • The majority of solutions for the Practice Questions
    • Updated Lecture Slides with solutions to in-lecture exercises

    In addition, I have uploaded a walkthrough of Assignment 1 solutions (available under "Lecture Recordings")

    You may use any of the results proven in these solutions, and in the lectures and quizzes without further proof.

    In particular, for Laws of Set Operations / Boolean Algebras / Propositional Logic, the following derived rules are acceptable:

    • Idempotence (x∧x = x and x∨x = x)
    • Double complement (x'' = x)
    • De Morgan's Laws ((x∧y)' = x'∨y' and (x∨y)' = x'∧y')
    • Annihilation (x∧0 = 0 and x∨1 = 1)
    • Complement of 0/1 (0' = 1 and 1' = 0)
    • Absorption ((x∧y)∨x = x and (x∨y)∧x = x)


    I will try to answer any questions prior to 1:30pm, and I will endeavour to do so as soon as I can. I have external commitments that may delay the response.

    After the exam starts, questions must be directed towards the Exams support team (ph: +61 2 8936 7007). They will contact me and they have the ability to send a message to everyone on inspera (so I can be sure you all receive any updates).

    I will try to read any direct correspondence, but it is likely you will not receive a reply during the exam period.

    Assessment feedback

    External commitments stemming from the ongoing lockdown in Sydney have severely hampered my ability to provide feedback on assessments. These will be released as soon as I am able and you will have a chance to review them before results are completed.

    All the best,


  • Sample exam

    Posted by Paul Hunter 4 years ago.

    Hi all,

    I've been thinking there was a problem with the sample exam release, but apparently I've been foxed by settings in my browser.

    To access the sample exam, go to:

    Log in using your zID and zPass

    Under "My tests" click "Register"

    Use the code: NSW-89136143

    I'll put up sample answers shortly.


Upcoming Due Dates

There is nothing due!


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