Hi all,
Those of you registered for the supplementary exam will receive an email from me today containing details of how to access this exam.
If the special considerations team have informed you that you are registered for the supplementary exam, but you have not received this email from me, then please contact the course account cs9020@cse.unsw.edu.au ASAP so that we can look into this for you.
If you are not registered for the supplementary exam, then please disregard this announcement.
Katie and the COMP9020 team
Hi everyone,
Quiz marks and assignment marks are now in Moodle . In your grade report, the "Course Total" column is out of 40, and gives the contribution of assignments (30%) and quizzes (10%) to your final grade (40%).
Note that where Moodle and Inspera differ in your grade, the Moodle grade is the correct one. These differences are usually due to late penalties or special consideration decisions. There were also previously a couple of errors with quiz auto-marking that have now been corrected.
We have been receiving lots of emails over the past couple of weeks. We hope that the above updates and corrections will address most of these concerns. However if you emailed us about something else, and this still hasn't been resolved, then please contact us again at: cs9020@cse.unsw.edu.au
Katie and the COMP9020 team
The phrasing of the following question is a little ambiguous:
To clarify, we are asking:
The scoring system is visible on the left-hand-side of the screen in inspera.
This question is not displaying properly for some people. It should appear as below:
This question is not displaying properly for some people. It should appear as below:
Hi all,
The final exam will be accessible here from 8:15am AEST.
Please start the exam between 8:15am and 8:45am. You have 3 hours 15 minutes to complete the exam.
If there are any issues during the exam, please email the course account at cs9020@cse.unsw.edu.au
If any announcements or clarifications need to be made during the exam, I will post them as an announcement here on WebCMS.
Best of luck everyone,
Katie and the COMP9020 team
Hi all,
the link to the final exam on inspera will be available here from 8:15am (AEST) on Tuesday 30th April.
Remember that you should start the exam between 8:15am and 8:45am, and that this is a remote exam. Further details and trouble-shooting advice can be found in the slides for the final lecture .
In case you missed any of the below, the following materials have been added in the last two weeks, to aid your revision:
Good luck for Tuesday!
Katie and the COMP9020 team
Hi all,
Just one more deadline:
And to help with your revision:
Best of luck,
Katie and the COMP9020 team
Hi all,
Well done for sticking it out till the final week. We're almost at the end. I'll be taking the lectures again this week. On Thursday we'll learn about statistics, and on Friday we'll have a revision lecture, where I'll give you some details about the final exam. Vote for the topics you'd most like to revise here .
We have two deadlines this week:
Also just a reminder that there will be one further quiz due before the final exam
Finally please register any feedback you have for the course, both good and bad, in the myExperience survey . We want to make some changes to this course, and your input will be invaluable in helping us make the right choices for future students.
See you on Thursday,
Katie and the COMP9020 team
Unfortunately, Mark isn't available tomorrow, so as a one-off, the Tuesday consultation will be run by Malhar and will start at the later time of 7:30pm . As usual, you can find the link to join the meeting here .
Thanks to Malhar for being available at such short notice,
Katie and the COMP9020 team
Hi all,
We're nearly at the end of the semester! Well done for all your hard work thus far. I'll be taking the lectures this week.
There is just one deadline this week:
Assignment 4
(the last assignment!) is also available for you to start working on. It covers material from last week's lectures and from the lectures coming up this week.
Our last lecture together (on Friday next week) will be a
revision lecture
. Please vote in the
for the topics that you would most like us to review in the revision lecture.
Katie and the COMP9020 team
Hi all,
Assignment 4 is now available in inspera and from the course website (under Assignments → Assignment 4 inspera link).
It is due at
6pm (AEST) on Thursday April 18th
Please note the change in timezone (daylight savings time ends in Sydney this weekend)
Hi all,
I hope you enjoyed the long weekend. I will be taking the lectures this week.
This week we have two deadlines:
In-person help sessions and online consultations are running as usual this week. Please attend these if you'd like support on the quizzes, assignments or have any queries about the lectures. Alternatively, you can ask questions on ed forum.
See you tomorrow!
Katie and the COMP9020 team
Hi all,
I hope you enjoyed your break over flex week and are looking forward to the long weekend!
Due to the Easter break, there will be no lecture or drop-in session on Friday . Simon will be taking the lecture on Thursday. The online consultations and Thursday's drop-in session will also be running as normal.
The only deadline this week is:
Assignment 3 is also available for you to work on.
Katie and the COMP9020 team
Hi all,
The guide and a pdf version of the questions are now available on the course website under Assignments .
Hi all,
Unfortunately there is no option to upload pdfs for Assignment 3, and at this stage it is not possible to enable it.
We do not accept submissions via email, so in particular this means that handwritten submissions will not be acceptable for this assignment.
Hi all,
I forgot to mention earlier that the recording covering the last few slides of Lecture 10 is now available under Lecture Recordings.
Hi all,
Marks and feedback for Assignment 1 can now be found in inspera . Please note that the marks given do not include any late penalties as applied. To see your adjusted grade, you can view your grade summary in moodle here .
If you have any concerns, please contact cs9020@cse.unsw.edu.au
Hi all,
Assignment 3 is now available on inspera and on the course website under Course Work → Assignments . It is due at 6pm AEDT on Thursday April 4, 2024.
The guide for the assignment will be available later tonight.
Hi all,
Welcome to flex week and a well-deserved break!
There are no lectures, help sessions or deadlines this week. Please use this time off however suits you. If you do need support on 9020 this week, then it will be available at:
Hi all,
A set of suggested solutions for Assignment 1 are now available under Course Work → Assignments on the course webpage.
Hi all,
Welcome to week 5! Katie will be taking lectures this week.
There are 2 deadlines this week:
Remember that you can ask for help on the assessments and quizzes at:
For Assessment 2 we also have some further hints in the guide .
If you require an extension for Assignment 2 (including needing to make a late submission), then please request an extension
. As we have to enable the extension manually, the sooner you make the request the better.
Enjoy week 5,
Paul and the COMP9020 team
Hi all,
In Q2.5 of the quiz we have the definition:
k = g∘h
This notation we will see in the upcoming lectures - it is for "functional composition". We covered the concept of "relational composition" (which is the more general concept) this week - so using the terminology of the week this should read:
k = h;g
In other words
k(x) = g(h(x))
This is because if (x,y) ∈ h and (y,z) ∈ g (i.e. h(x) = y and g(y) = z) then (x,z) ∈ h;g [i.e. k(x) = (h;g)(x) = z = g(y) = g(h(x))]
It is worth thinking about if f & g are functions, when it is that f;g will also be a function...
Hi all,
The recording of the last few slides of Lecture 8 is now available under Lecture Recordings (Lecture 8 additional content) from the course website.
Please note that this additional content is not necessary to complete Quiz 4 - all content of that quiz was covered in lectures last week.
Following the help session on Friday, there were a couple of results (specifically about bijections) that will be useful to have as reference for completing the second assignment - which I covered in this recording (and included in the slides of Lecture 7). These results will be revisited in lectures this week.
Hi all,
The fourth quiz is now available in inspera and on the course website under " Quizzes ".
It is due at 6pm (AEDT) on Wednesday March 13 .
Hi all,
Please note that Q1.2 and Q2.5 on the quiz have errors.
For Q1.2 one of the correct options was not marked as correct - even though it is indicated in the feedback.
Q2.5 is incorrectly marked as "False". The correct answer is "True" - as indicated in the feedback.
We will be manually correcting these errors for your final quiz 3 grade.
Hi all,
A guide for the second assignment, and a pdf of the questions are now available on the course website (under Assignments ).
Hi all,
Welcome to week 4! I will be taking both lectures this week.
There is one deadline this week:
Remember that you can ask for help on the assessments and quizzes at:
We have released walkthroughs of the solutions for Quizzes 1 and 2, these can be accessed under Quizzes from the course webpage.
Solutions for Assignment 1 will be made available shortly (there are still some outstanding submissions)
The guide for Assignment 2 will also be released soon.
Enjoy week 4,
Paul and the COMP9020 team
Hi all,
Yesterday's lecture ran slightly over the end of the recording - please note that only a small amount of content was not covered by the recording. In particular, even though
all the content necessary for the quiz was covered (and recorded
, the content from the last few slides was not fully covered in the lecture.
Rather than cover this material at the start of the next lecture (before moving onto the next topic), I have recorded a video covering the last couple of slides (from the start of the section on planarity). This recording can be found below yesterday's lecture in "
Lecture recordings
" from the course website. Any questions raised from this content should be posted to the course forum.
Hi all,
The second assignment is now available from the course website (under Assignments ) or in inspera .
It is due at 18:00 on Thursday 14 March (AEDT) .
Hi all,
A reminder that the first assignment is due at
Your submission will be automatically submitted by inspera at this time.
Late submissions are possible, but will incur a penalty per the lateness policy indicated at the start of term (5% per 24 hours, for a maximum of 5 days) - subject to Special Consideration.
If you intend to make a late submission (for any reason), then we have to manually enable this in inspera,
so you must put in a request for extension
You will be notified when your request has been processed, and you may not have access to your assignment until then (especially if the request is made after the deadilne), so the earlier you can make the request the better.
It is possible to make adjustments to any extension request (e.g. reduce it to minimize the penalty), as long as the new requested deadline has not lapsed.
Hi all,
Welcome to week 3! Simon Mackenzie and I will be taking lectures this week.
There are 2 deadlines this week:
Remember that you can ask for help on the assessments and quizzes at:
For Assessment 1 we also have some further hints in the
Several students have asked for more detailed explanations of quiz solutions. This is something you can ask about in consultations, help sessions and on edforum. We're also looking into making video recordings of tutors working through the solutions to quiz questions - I'll keep you posted on this.
Enjoy week 3,
Katie and the COMP9020 team
Hi all,
The second quiz is now available on the course website and in inspera .
It is due on
Wednesday February 28
18:00 (AEDT).
Hi all,
Welcome to week 2! Paul Hunter will be taking lectures this week.
There is just the one deadline this week:
You should also be working on Assessment 1 which is due next week ( Thursday 29 February at 6pm AEDT ). Remember that you can ask for help on the assessments and quizzes at:
For Assessment 1 we also have some further hints in the guide .
Enjoy week 2,
Katie and the COMP9020 team
Hi all,
The first quiz and first assignment are now available. Both can be found on the course website, but you should see both if you log into the assessment platform inspera ( https://unsw.inspera.com )
Please contact cs9020@cse.unsw.edu.au if you experience any technical issues.
Hi everyone,
if you have an important message that cannot be dealt with on edforum then please email the course account cs9020@cse.unsw.edu.au rather than emailing the personal accounts of lecturers.
You will receive a prompter reply if you message the course account as it is monitored by multiple people. It also ensures that all lecturers and admins of cs9020 will be aware of the matter.
Looking forward to seeing you tomorrow in lecture 1! Although if you're registered as online-only, please watch the livestream and do not come to the lecture theatre, as we won't have space for everyone. The in-person help session afterwards is open to all.
Hi all,
The COMP9020 lectures will now be livestreamed. The stream can be found under Lecture Recordings - you should be able to watch the ongoing lecture. This also means that you will be able to take part in any in-lecture polls/quizzes!
If you have any questions during a livestream, please post them to the forum , (not to the stream Q&A). If there is an opportunity to answer them in the lecture then we will endeavour to do so.
Looking forward to meeting you now online or in person on Thursday!
Paul and Katie
Hi all,
Welcome to COMP9020 Foundations of Computer Science. This is just a brief announcement to introduce you to various aspects of the course: the website, the learning interfaces, and the staff.
We encourage you to familiarise yourself with the course website:
as it provides the starting point for all aspects of the course.
Lectures begin on Thursday (February 15).
Lectures will be recorded, and the recording will be available shortly after the lecture finishes. We have roughly 900 students registered but the lecture theatres only hold about 400. So if you are registered for the online-offering course, please do not attend the lectures in person for the first few weeks. After the initial weeks, in-person attendance may drop, in which case online students will be welcome to attend lectures in person if there's space.
There are optional in-person help sessions after lectures, where tutors will be available to assist with any queries related to the lectures, assessments, or admin.
The course will be using the ed platform for course discussion. You should shortly be receiving an email inviting you to join the ed forum for this course. Alternatively, you can register for the forum
In lieu of office hours, we have set up online consultation hours twice a week with our tutors Mark and Malhar. These are intended to be student-driven and generally group-based. The course forums also provide a platform to ask questions and discuss the course material.
There is currently a pre-course, one-question poll available here . It is meant to be light-hearted, and is by no means compulsory. There is no right/wrong answer - we are primarily interested to see how (if at all) your perspective changes after taking this course.
There is also a short questionnaire available here - a little more serious than the poll, but again it is not compulsory. Its purpose is to help me best tailor the course to the current cohort, and to identify/address some of the main concerns that often arise at the start of the course.
If you want/need an entertaining introduction to some of the course content, I suggest having a look at some of these
puzzle-based games
Looking forward to meeting you,
Katie Clinch (Lecturer in Charge) and Paul
Hunter (Lecturer)