
  • COMP9024 (20T0) Supplementary Exam: Time, date and location

    Posted by Ashesh Mahidadia 5 years ago.

    If your grade is LE or WD, you need to take the supplementary exam. You should have already received an email from me regarding this, if not, let me know (send me an email). The time, date and location for the supplementary exam are as below.

    COMP9024 (20T0) Supplementary Exam, starting at 09:45am Monday 24 February 2020, in Clavier lab (K14 LG20) .

    Only students with grade LE or WD are eligible for the supplementary exam, and they should have already received an email from me regarding the supplementary exam.


  • COMP9024 (20T0) Results - available over the weekend

    Posted by Ashesh Mahidadia 5 years ago.

    COMP9024 (20T0) results will be available over the weekend. I will post a message here once your final marks are available. Meanwhile, you may see "LE" as your result, this will be updated once we submit your marks over the weekend.

  • COMP9024 Final Exam Seating Allocation (Sat 08/02/2020 at 13:45)

    Posted by Ashesh Mahidadia 5 years ago, last modified 5 years ago.

    The seating allocation for your COMP9024 final exam on Saturday 08/02/2020 at 13:45 is now available:

    COMP9024 final exam seating arrangement .

    You need to use your zId/password to login to see your allocation. Please check it so you know where you need to go and what time you need to be there. You will need this information on the day, so you may wish to bookmark the page.

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