
  • Supplementary exam, Wednesday 13 January, 2021 at 13:00 pm

    Posted by Tatjana Zrimec 4 years ago, last modified 4 years ago.

    The Supplementary exam will be Wednesday 13 January, 2021, at 13:00 pm.

    The Supplementary exam is an online exam in Moodle.

    I will send you another email 15 minutes before the exam is open.

    The exam duration will be 2 hours.

    Please read the Online Exam Preparation Checklist .

  • Final Exam Result

    Posted by Tatjana Zrimec 4 years ago, last modified 4 years ago.

    Dear COMP9024 Students,

    The final exam marks are available on WebCMS3.

    The marks of the final exam and the updates of the quizzes, are not available in Moodle. WebCMS3 has the final marks for all assessments.

    I would like to congratulate all the students who worked very hard and completed all weekly assessments successfully and especially the assignment.

    Stay healthy and best of luck with your future studies.


  • Assignment marked

    Posted by Tatjana Zrimec 4 years ago, last modified 4 years ago.

    You can see your marked assignment, with some feedback:

    • in WebCMS3 (click on the small arrow in the same row as assn ), or
    • by using: 9024 classrun -collect assn

    Fifteen cases - tests were used for scoring. The assignment has to pass 10 tests to get the full mark - 10. Five tests have two versions of output (2x5) to cover two possible solutions.

    If you have any further question about your assignment mark, please send me an email with subject “COMP9024 - Assignment”.

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