
  • Exam Paper Review - Monday 4 December 2017 - 1pm to 4pm - Room K17-304

    Posted by Rachid Hamadi 7 years ago.

    Please note that a review of COMP9311 exam paper will be held next Monday 4 December 2017 from 1pm to 4pm in room K17-304 in Level 3 of K17 building (where CSE school is located).

    Please do send me an email if you want to review/see your exam paper.

  • COMP9311 Supplementary Exam - Wednesday 6 December 2017 @ 8.45am at Rex Vowels Theatre

    Posted by Rachid Hamadi 7 years ago.

    Please note that any student who got between 47 (inclusive) and 50 (exclusive) is eligible to sit for supplementary exam.

    Please also note that anyone who got UF grade is also eligible to sit for supplementary exam. UF (Unsatisfactory Fail) means that the student got more than 50 overall but failed to get 24/60 in the final exam as it is clearly explained and described in the course outline.

    The supplementary exam will be held next Wednesday 6 December 2017 @ 8.45am at Rex Vowels theatre and is managed by the school of CSE (Computer Science and Engineering). The school of CSE will send a notification to eligible students soon.

    Finally, I am dealing with lots of queries and it will take time to deal with all of them. I am planning to get back to everyone by Monday 4th of December 2017.

  • COMP9311 Exam Sample Solution Released

    Posted by Rachid Hamadi 7 years ago.

    Please note that Exam sample solution is now released. You can find it under Lectures/Week12 ( )

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