
  • Project 3 released

    Posted by Xiaoyang Wang Tuesday 16 July 2024, 07:59:26 AM.

    Hi Students,

    The Project 3 has been released in Ed. The deadline is Thursday 8 August 11:59:59 pm. Please revisit Week 8 lecture slides Part 1 for more tips about the project.

    Best regards,


  • Project 1 marks released

    Posted by Xiaoyang Wang Tuesday 09 July 2024, 11:41:09 AM.

    Hi Class,

    Marks and sample solution for Project 1 have been released. You can check your mark in Moodle.

    For any concerns regarding your mark, please contact your marking tutor first through the email or zid in feedback by this week (14 July).

    Best regards,


  • The second coding project released.

    Posted by Xubo Wang Wednesday 26 June 2024, 10:01:15 AM.

    Dear All,

    The second coding project has been released.

    Again, please at least watch the lecture recordings first, try the labs, and then the coding project.

    We will release the next two labs on RDD and DataFrame programming this week so you have enough time to practice.



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