
Name Staff Day Start Time End Time Weeks Room
1PGA Raymond Wong
Fri 09:00 11:00 1-5,7-10 K-J14-G5(wk1,2,10) Moodle(wk3-9)
1UGA Raymond Wong
Fri 09:00 11:00 1-5,7-10 K-J14-G5(wk1,2,10) Moodle(wk3-9)


Day Start Time End Time Room Who
Tuesday 13:00 14:00 Business School 130 (K-E12-130) Yan Kin Chi
In-person consulation. Week 2-5, 7-11.
Friday 14:00 15:00 Online Yan Kin Chi
Online via Blackboard Collaborate (click Course Room, as described in Live Lecture 1). Week 2-5, 7-11.

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