Dear All,
Please be advised that the final exam Paper is now released ( Exam )
You can submit your MCQ answers in Moodle Quiz ( MCQ )
Remember the instructions we have provided in the previous announcements. Try to read all the exam questions first so if you have any questions you can reach out to us soon rather at the last minute. You ca contact me via e-mail or MS Teams.
Best of Luck to all
COMP9321 Teaching Team
Dear Students,
if you have been approved to participate in the supplementary exam please be advised for the following:
best of luck to all...
Dear Students,
Assignment 3 has been marked. Please contact me (Mohammadali) if you have any enquires.
Before requesting for a re-mark, please read the Assignment Specification and requirements, and use the test dataset to test your own models.
The test dataset is now accessible from :
Dear All,
Just to anticipate what may happen as Give might have been improved but WebCMS seems still not there yet.
so if on the last minutes and you are submitting your PDF files and WebCMS went down, you can upload your PDF file to UNSW SharePoint file request Here . Make sure that you use the same naming convention for the file ( zID.pdf ). Be advised, this is not a replacement for submitting using Give as we are going to mark the files submitted in Give. This is just for record keeping and to make sure that even if the submission on Give is after the deadline the submission will be marked as long as the files are exactly the same. So keep trying to submit on Give till the file go through.
best of luck...
COMP9321 Teaching Team
Dear All,
Please be advised that the final exam Paper is now released ( Exam )
You can submit your MCQ answers in Moodle Quiz ( MCQ )
Remember the instructions we have provided in the previous announcements. Try to read all the exam questions first so if you have any questions you can reach out to us soon rather at the last minute.
Best of Luck to all
COMP9321 Teaching Team
Dear All,
Just a Gentle reminder about the final exam and some notes worth mentioning:
Best of Luck To All...
COMP9321 Teaching Team
Dear All,
this is a combined notification about multiple topics so please read through:
Assignment2 Marks/Feedback:
MyExperience Survey:
Best of luck to all...
COMP9321 teaching team
Dear Students,
You can now access your mark for Assignment 2; please read the feedback, and contact the tutor who has marked your submission if you have any questions.
Dear All,
In regard to the final exam, please be advised for the following:
Below are some instructions from the school you also need to be aware of:
By sitting or submitting an assessment on the scheduled assessment date, a student is declaring that they are fit to do so and cannot later apply for Special Consideration.
If, during an exam a student feels unwell to the point that they cannot continue with the exam, they should take the following steps which are also available in the (Important Information for Online Assessments) section of the special consideration process information ( ).
1. Stop working on the exam and take note of the time
2. If the Course Coordinator or Tutor is present online during the assessment in Microsoft Teams, make contact immediately and advise them that they are unwell
3. Immediately submit a Special Consideration application saying that they felt ill during the exam and were unable to continue
4. If they were able to advise the Course Coordinator or Tutor of the illness during the assessment, attach screenshots of this conversation to the Special Consideration application
If students experience a technical issue, they should take the following steps:
1. Take screenshots of as many of the following as possible:
2. If the Course Coordinator or Tutor is present online during the assessment in Microsoft Teams, contact should be made immediately to advise them of the issue.
3. A Special Consideration application should be submitted immediately after the conclusion of the assessment, along with the appropriate screenshots.
Best of luck to all...
COMP9321 Teaching Team
Dear All,
Thanks for the students who have already participated in the myExperience survey. if you have not yet participated please do so using the link ( We appreciate your feedback and it helps us improve. Please if you may share with us what you thought worked in the course (so we can keep and focus on) and what do you wish we can improve. All comments and suggestions are welcome.
thank you for participating...
COMP9321 Teaching Team
Dear All,
Quiz5 is released. Please select the most suitable answer and submit your answers before the deadline as any submission after the deadline will not be accepted.
Quiz5 | COMP9321 21T1 | WebCMS3 (
best of luck to all,
COMP9321 teaching team
Sorry the post I made didn't go through for the Link to the lecture.
is the Link
Dear All,
We are proud to see that two students in COMP9321 have utilized the knowledge that they have acquired in the course to help them with their own project within the UNSW IT Hero Program.
Saurabh Jain and Sheethal Mohan
have shared their experience and some information about their project in a blog that you can find here (
COMP9321 21T1 | WebCMS3 (
). although they are not at liberty to share code or the dataset since this is a project proposed by a business partner, but they have shared some code snippet and masked data snippets to provide context and help other students learn from their experience.
Please feel free to comment on the blog and ask questions.
Dear All,
As you may have been aware, some students has suffered some issues with the files in their home directory. it seems that the issue affected very small percentage of the students, but nevertheless it came to our attention that some of the students enrolled in COMP9321 are among the students affected.
So just to be mindful of this and to minimize the stress in the already stressful Week10, so we decided to waive the late penalty for assigmnent3 for the first three days (for all students). Pay attention that we are NOT extending the deadline , so if you submit your answers after 3 days of the deadline your submission will NOT be marked as the penalty will be 100% (i.e. as long as you submit before 18:00 on the 24th of April there will be no penalty, but any submission (without approved extension) after this time/date will not be marked).
We hope that this will make things more convenient to the students. If you have any question or if anything is not clear please feel free to contact us.
** Note : if you have been affected with the File Server issue please check the instructions here ( these instructions. ) and follow up with CSE Help desk ( ).<o:p></o:p>
Best of luck to all,
COMP9321 Teaching Team
Dear All,
Quiz4 is now released ( )
best of luck to all...
COMP9321 Teaching Team
Hi All,
Please contact the tutor who marked you if you have any concerns about your assignment 1 mark. Please be paitiant it may take us some time to write back to you since we are receiving many requests.
Dear All,
We have released the specification of assignment3 ( ) Please take the opportunity to view the specification and if there is anything you feel clarification please share with us so we can adjust and clarify the specs.
Best of luck to all,
COMP9321 Teaching Team
Dear All,
Quiz3 is releases. Please remember to select the most suitable answer for each question.
Quiz 3 | COMP9321 21T1 | WebCMS3 (
best of luck,
COMP9321 Teaching Team
Dear Students,
Given that CSE servers are down, please do not submit your assignment till Sunday.
Dear All,
As you may have already received a notification about CSE servers being down during the weekend and it states:
All CSE servers will be offline from Friday 26th 19:00 to Saturday 27th 20:00 (Sydney time)
all login servers will be down - no ssh or vscode access
all vlab servers will be down - no access via VNC
all web servers will be down - no access to class web pages
all file servers will be down - no access to your files
there will be no access to other CSE services - no webcms3, give, gitlab, hopper, ...
Other parts of UNSW should be unaffected. This work is in the K17 building only.
So just to be mindful of this and since the submission's deadline for assignment2 is the 3rd of April (within the Easter Holiday) so we decided to waive the late penalty for assigmnent2 for the first three days. Pay attention that we are NOT extending the deadline , so if you submit your assignment2 answers after 3 days of the deadline your submission will NOT be marked as the penalty will be 100%.
We hope that this will make things more convenient to the students. If you have any question or if anything is not clear please feel free to contact us.
** Note : the CSE servers being down should not affect your work as you can just copy the specs offline and work on your own machine. You won't be able to ask questions in WebCMS nor test things in VLAB.
Best of luck to all,
COMP9321 Teaching Team
Dear All,
A draft of the specifications for Assignment1 is now available for viewing ( Assignment2 ). The specification is in Draft state which give you the chance to read the specifications and ask questions or comment on the specifications if you think something is not clear and we will clarify and adjust (think in context of reading time in exams :)). You will notice that there is no way to submit the answers because we do not want you to start working on the assignment or submit anything.
by the end of the day we will adjust if there are any comments or requests for clarification and the specifications will advance to the final state.
best of luck to all...
Dear All,
I forgot to acknowledge the effort of the top ranked students in DataCamp during the lecture today. I think they deserve more recognition and qualify to be in an announcement. They managed to invest some time for self learning even with the stress of assignments and deadlines and we even have a new star who managed to climb to the top three.
We acknowledge all the effort of students in the path of learning and for this week the students below has acquired 1 bonus mark to be added to the assignments mark (capped with total assignment being 50).
best of luck to all and never stop learning...
Dear All,
Just to provide more flexibility for students and make things more convenient for students working full time that might find it hard to submit by 4PM, we have extended the deadline to 8PM on Thursday the 18th of March. We are prioritizing students' safety that is why we can't extend to midnight, since some students may tend to stay in CSE labs till the deadline.
best of luck to all...
COMP9321 Teaching team.
Dear All,
We just wanted to state that the source of the dataset is Kaggle. I mentioned before that we did not create the datasets ourselves and we fetched them from Kaggle just to provide you with a real world experience working with real dataset rather than dummy data we create. That being said, we are not responsible nor are we affirming to how correct or up-to-date the geographical or the political information in the datasets. This is "a working with data" exercise and we are not trying to teach you about geography or politics.
If anyone is feeling offended of how the data in the dataset does not describe the current state of the world then we apologize as this was not intentional.
please feel free to contact me with any concern you have...
best of luck to all
Dear All,
We have noticed that some students are panicking in regard to the assignment specification. so
Last but not least, This is on the scale of small individual project (I believe I mentioned this from day one when we released the specs) so there is no one perfect solution and we are not going to look for perfection. so do not stress.
best of luck to all...
COMP9321 Teahcing team
Dear All,
Quiz2 is released. please participate before the deadline and provide the best suitable answer for each question.
Quiz 2 | COMP9321 21T1 | WebCMS3 (
best of luck
COMP9321 Teaching Team
Dear Students,
must not
share your code on any public repositories or websites (e.g., Github, Gitlab); even after the term.
It is your liability to make sure your code isn't got copied at all times.
Although, everyone should have got used to this but no harm in iterating. the Link to the Live lecture is in the lectures resource section in WebCMS. for today it is COMP9321 2021T1 Week3 Thursday Lecture Live Event | COMP9321 21T1 | WebCMS3 (
Dear All,
A draft of the specifications for Assignment1 is now available for viewing ( ). We decided to release it a day earlier to give you the chance to read the specifications and ask questions or comment on the specifications if you think something is not clear and we will clarify and adjust (think in context of reading time in exams :)). You will notice that there is no way to submit the answers because we do not want you to start working on the assignment or submit anything yet (till tomorrow at least).
Tomorrow during the lecture time, we are going to discuss briefly the assignment and the rational as well.
best if luck to all...
Dear All,
just to iterate again. the link to the lectures will be always available within the Lecture resource on WebCMS. for today as an example it is ( COMP9321 2021T1 Week3 Monday Lecture Live Event | COMP9321 21T1 | WebCMS3 ( )
COMP9321 Teaching Team
Dear All,
Quiz1 is now released ( Quiz1 | COMP9321 21T1 | WebCMS3 ( ).
COMP9321 Teaching Team
Dear All,
Just a reminder about where to find the link for the Live lecture today. It is within the lecture resources for each week we are in, and designated with the Lecture day. Be advised to use the this specific link since each lecture has its own link.
For today's lecture the link could be found here ( Week2 Thursday Lecture Microsoft Teams Live Event | COMP9321 21T1 | WebCMS3 ( )
Dear All,
the Poll that we posted in WebCMS about lecture delivery had the similar numbers voting for Microsoft Live Event and having the lectures available to download. so in order to provide the best of both worlds here is what we are going to have:
Be advised that in order to access the live events and the shared-folder you MUST have joined the course on Microsoft Teams to be a part of the Permission Group.
We hope that this will be convinient to all stdeeunts and you will be able to have a good leanring experience.
COMP9321 Teaching Team
Dear All,
As we are concluding our first week of the term, so here are some notes to pay attention to and a request for your feedback that would help us shape the course to provide the best learning experience:
We hope that you have enjoyed the first week of the course and that your are eager for what to come...
COMP9321 Teaching Team
Dear All,
*** Disclaimer : Sorry if you have already received this in your e-mails but this is just in case that you have not joined the course in Microsoft Teams.
We received some feedback that using Microsoft Meeting for the first lecture in COMP9321 was not a providing a good experience for students. So we are going with Microsoft Teams Live Event which can cater larger numbers by allowing around 10 second buffering. We believe that this will resolve the issue of lagging and sluggish videos/audio. You are still going to be able to interact and ask questions via the Q&A feature in the event but unfortunately you won’t be able to unmute and use your microphone (which in our experience is rarely used in lectures by students anyway).
On the designated time please click on the link and join the event. After the event conclude you will be able to access the lecture recording and even download it using the same link (so this is an added bonus in comparison to only be able to watch live in Stream).
We hope that this would improve the learning experience and please feel free to provide your feedback and comments since this is how we can improve and make your education experience more enjoyable.
Join the Live Event Here
COMP9321 Teaching Team
Dear All,
I have prepared a short Welcome Video for the course and you can access it via Microsoft Teams or through the link ( ) which is also a sneaky way to push you to join the course on Microsoft Teams (check the poll). You need to be on Microsoft Teams in order to be able to attend the lecture on Monday. The lecture will be recorded and be available through Microsoft Stream (check the tab titled 'lecture recording' in the General channel.
Just to provide more clarifications for the usage of DataCamp in this term. in order to join the platform you need to use your UNSW e-mail with the domain being ( it will not allow you to join if you are using another e-mail or different domain (i.e. using your e-mail with the domain being '' won't work). Another thing worth mentioning is that for this term we won't be using DataCamp for assessments.
Best regards,
Dear All,
I am happy to inform you that we have got permission for the class to use DataCamp under academic subscription for 6 months. DataCamp is an intuitive learning platform for data science and analytics. DataCamp’s learn-by-doing methodology combines short videos and hands-on-the-keyboard exercises to help learners retain knowledge. DataCamp offers 350+ courses by expert instructors on topics such as importing data, data visualization, and machine learning.
I will share the link to join the course in DataCamp via a poll message similar to how I shared the Microsoft Teams Link.
COMP9321 Teaching Team
Dear All,
Welcome to COMP9321 (Data Services Engineering). Please feel free to check the course provisional outline here ( ).
For the offering of 2021T1 please be advised for the following:
I hope that you will find COMP9321 Educational and Fun...
Stay tuned for further updated and possibly an introduction video :)
best regards,