
  • Exam Consultation Times

    Posted by Helen Paik 7 years ago.

    I will open a walk-in exam consultation session on Monday 13th 11am-1pm (in one of the Level 4 consultation rooms).

    The Quiz 5 answers will be uploaded before that too.

  • REMINDER - myExperience Survey (Course Feedback)

    Posted by Helen Paik 7 years ago, last modified 7 years ago.

    Please consider filling the survey in. The current response rate 23% (better than last semester, but still miserable!!!). Just click the link below to find the COMP9322 course survey.



    Hello, class,

    I would like to ask you to please take a minute to fill in the myExperience form for COMP9322. There were 4 (!!) students filled in the survey last semester. That isn't really enough to form an opinion about how the course went. So, it is very unusual for me to ask you explicitly to participate in the survey ... but I decided to do so this semester.

    Let's do better than 4 this semester, please !!! Go to myExperience and use your zID to login.

    Ah, of course ... good luck with the rest of the assignment 2 work as well.

  • Assignment 2 submission and demo guide

    Posted by Helen Paik 7 years ago.

    The assignment 2 page is updated with submission instructions and demo guide.

    Do not forget to double check your demo booking time. As I mentioned before, I have adjusted them a little bit. See you on Monday Week 12 for the summary lecture.

Upcoming Due Dates

There is nothing due!


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