
  • Exam

    Posted by Chun Tung Chou 2 years ago.

    A couple of final announcements on the exam:

    • Marks for each question will be indicated in Inspera so that you know how much each question is worth. You can find the marks just below the answer box, see this forum post.
    • You can use the "Course Materials" button in Inspera to access soft copies of the course materials. In addition to the lecture notes and revision problems, you will also find assignment questions, feedback to assignment and solution to the sample exam.

    All the best for the exam this afternoon.

  • Project marks

    Posted by Chun Tung Chou 2 years ago, last modified 2 years ago.

    The project marks are now available. You can check your mark via the sturec page . You overall project mark is in the field "project". This mark is derived from testing your simulation code on CSE and from your project report. Details on how the marks were calculated and the meaning of the fields "project_autotests" and "project_report" can be found in this forum posts.

    The above post also discusses some common mistakes made by the students in their project submissions.

    Note that these marks may change subject to plagiarism enquiries. Note that this is a standard procedure and you do not have to worry if you did your own work.

    We will also email you some feedback on the report.

  • On campus exam - Safe Exam Browser

    Posted by Chun Tung Chou 2 years ago.

    The exam unit would like us to remind all students who will be taking an on-campus Inspera-based invigilated exam that they are required to install the latest version of Safe Exam Browser (SEB) on the laptop. Specifically, the required versions for Windows is 3.4.1 and for Mac is 2.3.2. You can obtain these versions from this UNSW page on on-campus exams .

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