The final exam will be 2 hours long, with 10 minutes reading time. UNSW-approved calculators will be allowed, but no other materials or notes will be allowed. The paper will have 6 questions, split into 2 sections. Only 4 questions should be answered, 3 from the first section and 1 from the second. Note that no more than 4 must be answered. In principle, questions may address any of the course material covered, but there will be more focus on material covered since the mid-term exam. All questions will have equal marks.
Some sample questions are here .
Sample answers are here .
Corrected version now uploaded: Q 4 A) 3) "reduced" should have been "increased"
1. Extensions for the assignment deadline can only be granted by the LIC, so if you have a good case for why you need one, please only contact him and not the course admins about it.
2. If you are in a group for assignment 2, only one of the team members need submit, make sure that you state clearly the names and student IDs of all group members at the beginning of the report.
3. If your submission exceeds 2mb: Please upload all the supplementary material such as your data etc to dropbox or google drive and provide us with a working link in your readme file, and only submit your report/readme/code (things that fit in 2mb). Please make sure that if we need to access this supplementary material that we can do so easily.
4. Course admins will not answer technical questions over email, if you have one, please post it on the forum so that everyone can benefit. Technical/content related questions on the forum will be answered promptly.
In response to requests for more guidance on the format of a team report, please see this sample report from last year (please do not repost).
Fri 25 May: 12-1pm, K17 Lv 4, Room 402
Mon 28 May: 1-2pm, K17 Lv 4, Room 403
Wed 30 May: 4-5pm, K17 Lv 4, Room 402
Fri 1 June: 12-1pm, K17 Lv 4, Room 402
UPDATE: problem with accessing the marks database should now be fixed, so you should now be able to view your marks for the midterm exam.
List of topics and assignment information is now available as a link under "Lectures" for Week 10.
Reminder: Wednesday 25th April is a public holiday, so there can be no lecture and no tutorials. This means we cannot have tutorials on any of the other days.
So, no classes this week.
Owing to the size of the class, the exam will run concurrently in two locations:
Colombo Theatre C, which is near High Street in the Colombo building close to the Fig Tree Theatre (if you haven't been there before, the campus coordinates are: K-B16-LG05)
Physics Theatre, the normal venue for the weekly lecture (if you haven't been there before, the campus coordinates are: K-K14-19)
You should have received an email telling you which venue you should attend. Contact course admins if you have not.
A sample paper has been posted under "Lectures" for Week 6. These questions should give you a sense of the form and content of the upcoming mid-semester exam. Answers to these questions will be posted on Monday evening. Try answering the questions before the answers become available.
This talk is by one of the leading statisticians of today. He is also one of the authors of one of our recommended reference books on this course. Could be worth a look. Details here:
Posted under "Lectures" for Week 2.
Welcome to COMP9417 Machine Learning and Data Mining for 2018 ! Looking forward to meeting you next week at the first lecture Wednesday 28th February (Physics Theatre K14-19). Tutorials start the following week.