
  • All Marks Now Available

    Posted by Edwin Bonilla Tuesday 31 October 2017, 11:55:50 AM, last modified Tuesday 31 October 2017, 12:01:46 PM.

    • Marks for quiz 4 and assignment 2 have been uploaded to SMS
    • General feedback on assignment 2 under Assignments -> Assignment 2
    • Individual feedback on your corresponding shared Google drive
    • Feedback for assignment 2 report is available on the shared Google drive of the student who made the submission.
    • Current marks for quizzes are already scaled in SMS (5% each, max 5 marks for each quiz).
    • Current marks for assignments in SMS are not scaled (max 100 marks for each assignment). You will need to use the weight described in the outline (10% for assignment 1, 20% for assignment 2).

  • Please fill in the MyExperience Student Survey

    Posted by Edwin Bonilla Monday 23 October 2017, 11:54:19 AM.

    Please provide feedback on the course and course staff by filling in the MyExperience Student Survey:

    The deadline for this is approaching quickly (5 th November) and you should do this now.

    It is important to remember that:

    • The survey is confidential; your identity is not shared with teaching staff
    • Survey reports are not released until results have been officially published; your feedback won’t impact your results.
    • Your feedback matters – it’s one way we can improve what we do – and keep doing the good things we do

  • Updates on assessment, revision lecture and exam

    Posted by Edwin Bonilla Monday 23 October 2017, 11:25:40 AM.

    Assessment updates: All submitted assessment has now been marked. Feedback in the shared Google drive and marks uploaded to SMS.

    No revision lecture: Due to insufficient demand, there will not be revision lecture this week.

    Exam info: I have written some basic information about the final exam under Lectures -> Week 13 -> Exam Info.

Upcoming Due Dates

There is nothing due!

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