
  • Exam Solutions

    Posted by Jeremy Gillen 4 years ago.

    Hi everyone,

    The exam solutions have been uploaded to WebCMS, under the Final Exam page.

    Good luck for your exam results, and enjoy the holidays!


    Jeremy (on behalf of the COMP9418 team)

  • Exam marks are available

    Posted by Gustavo Batista 4 years ago.

    Dear students,

    We have uploaded the exam marks. You can access the detailed breakdown under the Collect Submission tab.

    Later this week, we will release more information about exam marking and general performance statistics.

    The marks should appear on the Grades page. Please, double-check all the marks to confirm they are correct.


    Gustavo (on behalf of the COMP9418 team)

  • There is a mistake in Question 3, alternative 3

    Posted by Gustavo Batista 4 years ago.

    The correct wording is:

    3. [ ] Learning DAG structures is always better than learning tree structures. The addition of new edges to tree structures will transform the tree into a DAG and will never decrease the log-likelihood of the network.

    Sorry for the mistake.


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