
  • Exam

    Posted by Gustavo Batista Monday 22 July 2024, 01:42:02 PM.

    Dear students,

    UNSW has informed us that the COMP9418 exam will run on Tuesday, 20/08/2024 .

    The exam will last 12 hours, starting 20/08/2024 at 9:00 a.m. AEST and ending at 9:00 p.m. AEST. We will answer questions during the entire exam period. Any issues should be posted in the WebCMS forum (general matters) or emailed to (sensitive ones).

    The exam will be available in WebCMS, and it will be a Jupyter notebook. You must write all answers in the notebook and submit them by give (command line or WebCMS) before the deadline.

    The exam will have three parts:

    1. Multiple choice questions (20%).
    2. Questions that require a textual answer (50%).
    3. Programming questions in Python (30%).

    The exam will require around 3 hours. Therefore, you must reserve at least 3 hours to work on the exam that day. We will not require you to submit the answers in 3 hours. The only requirement is to submit your exam before the deadline (20/08/2024 at 21:00 AEST). No late submissions will be accepted. If you do not submit your exam on time, we will consider that you did not participate. You will need to apply for a supplementary exam.

    Some students may have another exam on the same day (morning or afternoon). In this case, you should reserve your free period for the COMP9418 exam.

    You will need a computer with the same libraries used in tutorials to solve the exam programming questions. You can use your computer, Google Colab or the UNSW CSE VLAB computers using software such as TigerVNC. The exam will be an open-book exam. Therefore, you can access papers, books, and course materials, including slides and solved tutorials. You cannot communicate (email, phone, message, talk, etc.) except with the COMP9418 staff via email or forum. Deliberate violation of exam conditions will be referred to Student Integrity as serious misconduct.



  • Welcome to Week 9

    Posted by Gustavo Batista Monday 22 July 2024, 01:31:43 PM.

    Dear students,

    The course material for this week can be found on WebCMS. This week's topic is approximate inference, and we cover Belief Propagation and Sampling. The tutorials will cover Gaussian Models, including Kalman Filters.

    The myExperience survey is open. Please take a moment to complete the survey form before 08/08. The feedback from previous students helped us significantly improve COMP9418, and we greatly appreciate your feedback. You can access the survey form using this link: The myExperience survey is now open.

    The results for the first leaderboard are the following:

    zID            Average cost per day    Average time per day    Warnings/errors
    3302669        65235.9                 0.0927    
    5114117        70985.8                 47.6520    
    5408671        71847.1                 0.0965    
    5504131        87908.6                 0.2962         RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in scalar divide
    5388080        88217.6                 0.6847    
    5359544        ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'solution'    

    We will run a second leaderboard by the end of this week. This is to help you confirm that your model has no significant errors and works with the evaluation system. Please submit your answers by this Sunday (6 pm).

    Finally, remember to submit your answers for Quiz 7 before Sunday at 6 pm.



  • Welcome to Week 8

    Posted by Gustavo Batista Monday 15 July 2024, 03:31:13 PM.

    Dear students,

    UNSW has indicated that the COMP9418 exam will be on August 20th (Tuesday). The exam page on WebCMS has the exams for the last four years, with corresponding solutions. I will send a separate message regarding the 2024 exam.

    The assignment 2 description is out. We will run two evaluation tests on July 21st and 28th. To participate in these evaluations, submit your solution before 6 p.m. These evaluations help you test your code against hidden cases. Assignment 2 final submission is due on August 4th.

    Remember to submit your answers for Quiz 6 before Sunday at 6 pm.



Upcoming Due Dates

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