
  • Welcome to Week 6

    Posted by Gustavo Batista Monday 01 July 2024, 01:28:37 PM.

    Dear students,

    Happy flexibility week!

    This week, we do not have lectures, tutorials, quizzes or consultation hours. You can use this time to catch up with the course content.



  • **IMPORTANT** Bug in test cases for Tasks 9 and 10

    Posted by Gustavo Batista Tuesday 25 June 2024, 11:56:39 PM.

    Dear students,

    I apologise, but I found a bug in my code that generated the test cases. The bug caused the TAN model's accuracy to be higher than the correct value.

    I have updated the assignment 1 changelog, and uploaded a new notebook with fixed test cases for these two tasks.



  • Welcome to Week 5

    Posted by Gustavo Batista Monday 24 June 2024, 02:15:39 PM.

    Dear students,

    I have finished updating the course page on WebCMS.

    We are approaching the assignment 1 due date this Sunday at 6 p.m. Some students have found some issues with the assignment description. I have made some changes to the notebook to fix these errors. Please check the changelog on the Assignment 1 page on WebCMS and download the latest version of the notebook.

    Remember to register your group for assignment 1 in WebCMS if you are working in groups. To do so, you can go to WebCMS, Groups Tab, and add your group.

    The fourth quiz is also due this Sunday at 6 p.m.



  • Welcome to Week 4

    Posted by Gustavo Batista Monday 17 June 2024, 12:25:50 PM.

    Dear students,

    You will find the course content for this week on WebCMS. Do not forget to submit your answers to this week's quiz (due Sunday at 6 pm).

    I uploaded a recording for the Week 2 Thursday lecture on ECHO360 and WebCMS. I re-recorded this lecture because the camera did not record the entire whiteboard. The problem is solved, and the Week 3 Thursday lecture is recorded correctly.


    Gustavo (on behalf of the COMP9418 team).

  • Welcome to Week 3

    Posted by Gustavo Batista Tuesday 11 June 2024, 10:51:00 AM.

    Dear students,

    Welcome to Week 3. This week, you will find on WebCMS:

    • Lecture videos
    • Slides and annotated slides
    • Week 3 Tutorial
    • Week 2 Tutorial answers
    • Quiz 2
    • Quiz 1 answers
    • Assignment 1

    Assignment 1 is available on WebCMS and is due 30th of June (Sunday) at 6:00 pm. You can work on this assignment individually or in a group of two students.

    I cancelled today's lecture because I am feeling sick. I will cover today's lecture content this Thursday. I will also discuss the assignment description and answer questions about it.

    Finally, I will re-record the content of last Thursday's lecture and post it on WebCMS and ECHO360. It should be online tomorrow if I feel better.



  • No lecture today

    Posted by Gustavo Batista Tuesday 11 June 2024, 08:24:00 AM.

    Dear students,

    I am sick (flu-like symptoms) and need to take the day off today.

    Next Thursday, we will cover the weekly review and solve some exercises.



  • Quiz 1 is due tomorrow (Sunday) at 6 pm

    Posted by Gustavo Batista Saturday 08 June 2024, 03:56:31 PM.

    Dear students,

    Our first quiz is due Sunday at 6 p.m. You can make multiple submissions, but only the last one will be marked.

    Also, as Monday is a holiday, you will receive our weekly email update on Tuesday before noon.



  • Thursday Lecture Video

    Posted by Gustavo Batista Monday 03 June 2024, 09:56:40 PM.

    Dear students,

    A new recording of the Thursday lecture is available on WebCMS and Echo360. On WebCMS, go to Lecture Videos, and you will find this lecture listed together with the Week 1 videos.


  • Welcome to Week 2

    Posted by Gustavo Batista Monday 03 June 2024, 12:24:01 PM.

    Dear students,

    We have finished uploading the course material for this week. You will find on WebCMS:

    • Lecture videos
    • Slides
    • Annotated slides
    • Week 2 Tutorial
    • Week 1 Tutorial answers
    • Quiz 1

    Starting this week, we have a weekly quiz. The quizzes are multiple-choice questions. Please submit your answers before Sunday at 6 pm. We will not accept late submissions for quizzes.

    You can find the quizzes under the menu Activities in WebCMS.

    The live lecture recordings are in Echo360. We have posted a link on WebCMS. On Thursday, I could not get the projectors to work with my iPad, so I used the whiteboard. I tested my equipment, and it seems the problem is solved. From now on, I should use an iPad to make notes.

    I will re-record Thursday's lecture and post it on WebCMS and Echo360. When it is available, I will email you.



  • Tuesday's tutorial

    Posted by Gustavo Batista Tuesday 28 May 2024, 08:07:40 PM.

    Dear students,

    Martin misunderstood my instructions and did not appear in today's tutorial. I will blame my Brazilian accent for this one!

    My sincere apologies. Please let me know if you can join another tutorial this week. Martin will deliver a tutorial tomorrow (Wed 4-6 pm) (preferred), and Yunrui will deliver the tutorials on Thursday and Friday (9-11 am).

    Send me a message if you cannot join any of these tutorials, and we will make an online tutorial, record and post it on WebCMS.


  • Welcome to COMP9418

    Posted by Gustavo Batista Monday 27 May 2024, 11:39:49 AM.

    Dear students,

    Welcome to COMP9418!

    COMP9418 will run in the format of flipped classrooms. In the lectures, we will review the previous week's content on Tuesdays and discuss one exam exercise in Thursday's classes.

    One exception is Week 1, as we need content to review. On Tuesday, I will present the course and explain the course logistics. Thursday, we will solve a textbook exercise together.

    You can find on WebCMS COMP9418 page ( the following:

    • Lecture videos.
    • Lecture slides.
    • Tutorial theory and practice.
    • Sample exam.

    The material is online for all ten weeks so that you can study independently.

    The practical part of the tutorials is a Jupyter Notebook that runs on Google Colab.

    Starting Week 2, we will have weekly quizzes, and the quizzes and other assessments are due on Sundays at 6 pm. Also, beginning in Week 2, we will post the answers to the previous week's tutorial on Monday mornings.

    Therefore, check for new material on Mondays and submit your work before 6 pm on Sundays.

    I will explain the course on Tuesday and answer your questions about its organisation. Starting next week, Tuesday's classes will have a summary of the previous week's content + consultation. Thursday's lectures will discuss exam exercises.

    I hope you will enjoy the course!


    Gustavo (on behalf of the COMP9418 team).

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