
  • Fill myExperience Survey

    Posted by Sonit Singh Thursday 25 July 2024, 01:36:28 PM.

    Dear Students,

    I hope all of you are doing well and enjoying the course as we do!

    As we approach Week 10, it’s time to reflect on your experiences. It would be great if you could spend ~2 mins of your time to fill myExperience survey for COMP9444 . Your valuable feedback is not only important to improve future iterations of this course but also important to showcase teaching abilities and to further improve as a teacher.

    Given the importance of Artificial Intelligence, especially Deep Learning, we have tried my best to deliver foundational algorithms, providing you enough breadth and depth, as well as providing state-of-the-art techniques . We have also introduced lecture on “ vision and language learning ” so that you can learn applications of multimodal learning. Given the importance and relevance of generative technologies, we have introduced lecture on “ Generative Artificial Intelligence ” which I will deliver in Week 10. I believe that with good understanding of Convolutional Neural Networks, Recurrent Neural Networks, Language Models, Auto-encoders, Generative Adversarial Networks, Transformer Model, ChatGPT, Stable Diffusion, etc., you have got enough to start building applications using deep learning technologies.

    Given there are around 700 students enrolled in COMP9444 this term, we are doing our best to respond to Ed forums in timely manner, resolving issues sent to emails, accommodating special considerations, equitable learning plans, and adapting your requests about some course logistics. We are thankful for your patience and understanding .

    The myExperience survey is now open, and we would appreciate if you could fill the survey. You can find link to myExperience in Moodle or alternately

    Please log into or follow the link in your email to access the survey.


    Sonit, Alan, Zhongsui and our amazing tutors

  • Week 10 Group Project Presentation Schedule now Available

    Posted by Sonit Singh Thursday 25 July 2024, 12:50:53 PM.

    Dear Students,

    The schedule of Week 10 group project presentations is now available. Please find your team name in the file and check room and session time (room may be different from your actual project mentoring).

    You can find this file (attached) and also on WebCMS: WebCMS > Project > Project Presentations Schedule

    I've already provided detailed instructions on how to wrap up your project work. Please follow them to have consistency, less confusion, and avoiding delays for the release of project marks. You can find these instructions on Ed and WebCMS.

    Note: All teams must make live presentations and it is important that all members must be present during the presentation.

    If you have any questions, please reach out to us by emailing

    Kind regards,


  • Week 9 Lecture Slides and Lecture Recordings Available

    Posted by Sonit Singh Wednesday 24 July 2024, 02:25:58 PM.

    Dear Students,

    The slides of Week 8 Lectures and Demos are available under WebCMS > Course Work > Lectures > Week 9.

    You can also watch recordings of Week 9 lectures on Echo360. You can access these recordings via Moodle through "Lecture Recordings" icon.

    If you have any questions, please post it on the Ed.


  • hw1 marks released

    Posted by Sonit Singh Wednesday 24 July 2024, 08:47:25 AM.

    Dear Students,

    Yesterday, we released hw1 marks. You can check your marks by following instructions given towards the end of the assignment.

    Students who made late submissions may not have received their marks as we need to apply late penalty after incorporating Special Considerations and ELS adjustments.

    If you think there is a calculation error or you have not received your hw1 marks, please send an email to and we will follow it. Please don't send emails regarding your hw1 marks to your tutors or mentors as we randomly allocated submissions to different tutors/mentors, so your tutor/mentor might not be the assessor of your assignment.

    Kind regards,


  • Week 9 Activities

    Posted by Sonit Singh Monday 22 July 2024, 10:33:42 AM.

    Dear Students,

    In Week 9, we have the following activities:

    • Lectures (Tue 2pm-4pm; Wed 11am-1pm) covering topics on Autoencoders, Variational Autoencoders (VAEs), Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs), and Multimodal Learning .
    • Group Project Mentoring Session : Please go to your respective mentoring sessions as per the timetable. Detailed project submission guidelines has already been released. Please follow these to wrap up your project work. Please discuss with your mentors if you have any questions.
    • Assignment 1 marking: We will releasing marks tomorrow .
    • myExperience Survey now open : Please fill myExperience survey as it gives us an opportunity to see course and teaching from the students' perspective. We are eager to listen to your feedback and aim to understand and act from your experiences.

    Please know that myExperience is confidential and your identity is not included in reports. Results of the survey are not made available until your course results are released.


Upcoming Due Dates

There is nothing due!

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