
  • Assignment 1 (hw1) due today (02 July 2024) 23:59 pm

    Posted by Sonit Singh Tuesday 02 July 2024, 01:37:33 PM.

    Dear Students,

    A final reminder that assignment 1 (hw1) is due today before midnight. Please follow instructions given at the end of the assignment spec to submit your assignment files. Make sure you include all files hw1.pdf while making submission.



  • Week 6 Activities

    Posted by Sonit Singh Monday 01 July 2024, 01:16:06 PM.

    Dear Students,

    In Week 6, we have the following activities:

    1. There will be no lectures in Week 6.
    2. Group Project Mentoring Session start in Week 6 . We have now finalised the group project mentoring timetable based on your feedback. You can access the revised timetable on WebCMS.

      WebCMS > Project > Group Project Mentoring Timetable

      I highly encourage every team to join their project mentoring sessions so that you can seek help regarding your project work from mentors. Attending these sessions not only brings all your team members together but also helps you to keep making progress towards the project goal and deliver it.
    3. Assignment 1 (hw1) deadline is tomorrow: Tuesday 2 July, 23:59 pm
    4. Use (class email) and not our individual emails for any query having your personal information. I find that many students do send requests on our individual emails (either me or Alan's or Zhongsui's personal email). Please don't do that as it can cause further delays. For instance, if you send email to Alan now and since he is travelling, he can't reply to your email and we are not aware of such request as you have not sent to class email. Please send any request to class email as teaching staff and course admin can access it, and anyone of us can try to reply as quickly as we can.

    As always, if you have any questions, please post it on the Ed.

    Kind regards,


  • Week 5 Tutorial Solution Available

    Posted by Sonit Singh Saturday 29 June 2024, 12:26:46 PM.

    Dear Students,

    The sample solution along with its video for Week 5 tutorial is available under WebCMS > Course Work > Tutorials > Week 5.

    Kind regards,


  • Group Project Mentoring Timetable now Available

    Posted by Sonit Singh Saturday 29 June 2024, 10:31:57 AM.

    Dear Students,

    Thanks for your patience while we were working on this. The group project mentoring timetable is now available on WebCMS.

    WebCMS > Project > Group Project Mentoring Timetable

    Each page has timetable for one mentoring session. You can find Room, Session Time, Mentor Name, Project ID, Project title, Group Name, and all members in your group. For each mentor and each session, we have 5 teams working on projects in the same area.

    Please note that Mentoring Sessions starts in Week 6.

    We have tried our best to come up with the best timetable based on your preferences. However, you can understand that satisfying each constraint is now feasible nor possible given large number of students, mentors, and availability of rooms.

    I will make announcements on Weekly activities separately on Monday.

    Happy Weekend!

    Kind regards,


  • Assignment Help Session today 1- 2 pm in Quad 1046

    Posted by Sonit Singh Thursday 27 June 2024, 10:45:59 AM.

    Dear Students,

    Today we have help session from 1 pm - 2 pm in Quad 1046. Please come to the consultation session if you need any help regarding the assignment.

    I can see many posts on the Ed where you have variety of questions related to questions and even installing PyTorch. Please join this session as it is easy to seek help in-person rather than via posts and it limits how much we can explain in the post. Also, installing PyTorch issues and other program bugs can only be resolved when we see the entire error trace.



  • How to submit Assignment 1?

    Posted by Sonit Singh Wednesday 26 June 2024, 08:42:04 PM.

    Dear Students,

    You can use VLAB and open the terminal and type the following command to submit your assignment using give system. Make sure you have all the files in the working directory.

    You should submit by typing

    give cs9444 hw1 hw1.pdf

    You can read more about the VLAB here

    Alternatively, you can use web-version of give to submit your assignment

    After the submission you can check status of your submission via typing:

    9444 classrun -check hw1



  • Week 5 Lecture Slides and Recordings Available

    Posted by Sonit Singh Wednesday 26 June 2024, 02:17:58 PM.

    Hi Everyone,

    The slides of Week 5 Lectures and Demos are available under WebCMS > Course Work > Lectures > Week 5.

    You can also watch recordings of Week 5 lectures on Echo360. You can access these recordings via Moodle through "Lecture Recordings" icon.

    If you have any questions, please post it on the Ed.



  • Object Detection, Semantic and Instance segmentation recordings available

    Posted by Sonit Singh Monday 24 June 2024, 10:55:14 AM.

    Dear Students,

    Since we have listed few projects on object detection and semantic segmentation in the "Projects List" and many teams are working on these problems for the group project, I thought of releasing the recordings of these topics on the Ed.

    Please go through the recordings and it will answer questions such as how you can detect objects in an image, how many objects are there in an image, how can you separate certain class, etc.

    Recordings are available on Ed (as these are from Computer Vision course I taught last term). You may find audio bit off occasionally as these lectures were give in a big lecture theatre (last term there were about 750 students enrolled in the course) and I was moving away from the lectern/podium.



  • Due today: Project Mentoring Session Time Preferences

    Posted by Sonit Singh Monday 24 June 2024, 09:15:44 AM.

    Dear Students,

    So far we got 80 responses (i.e. 80 teams have filled in their time preferences). Thanks everyone those who have filled the form. Please ignore this message if you have already responded.

    Those who have not filled the form, it is final reminder that please do it by today evening.

    Please discuss with your team members about which time slots best suit to all members, and get one person from the team to fill in this form. Based on your preferences, we will try to come up with the best timetable.

    Note: Only one member of the team needs to submit this form.

    Fill in this Form

    Please fill in this form by Monday, 24 June 2024 11:59 pm

  • Week 4 Tutorial Solution Available

    Posted by Sonit Singh Friday 21 June 2024, 10:41:44 PM.

    Dear Students,

    The sample solution of Week 4 tutorial is available under WebCMS > Course Work > Tutorials > Week 4.

    Kind regards,


  • hw1 report template

    Posted by Sonit Singh Friday 21 June 2024, 10:38:08 PM.

    Dear Students,

    Since many students were asking for assignment 1 (hw1) report template, I have now released report template on WebCMS.

    You can download report template from: WebCMS > Assignment 1 > hw1 report template

    Please note you need to submit two Python files and , as well as a written report hw1.pdf (in pdf format).


  • Project Mentoring Session Time Preferences

    Posted by Sonit Singh Thursday 20 June 2024, 02:24:30 PM.

    Hi Everyone,

    Thanks for forming teams on WebCMS and choosing projects. As we transition to Project Mentoring Sessions from Week 6, we need to collect your time preferences for these mentoring sessions.

    Please discuss with your team members about which time slots best suit to all members, and get one person from the team to fill in this form. Based on your preferences, we will try to come up with the best timetable.

    Note: Only one member of the team needs to submit this form.

    Fill in this Form

    Please fill in this form by Monday, 24 June 2024 11:59 pm

  • Additional Resources

    Posted by Sonit Singh Wednesday 19 June 2024, 03:50:48 PM.

    Dear Students,

    There are many valuable resources online which can complement COMP9444 lectures and provide more deeper understanding through visuals. I have started adding these resources under the following.

    WebCMS > Additional Resources

    I plan to update this list as we move forward in the course.

    Also, if you find some additional resources which you may find useful in understanding concepts, please post on Ed. I will update the list and these resources will be valuable for other students in the course as well as for next offerings of the course.



  • Week 4 Lecture Slides and Lecture Recordings Available

    Posted by Sonit Singh Wednesday 19 June 2024, 03:25:43 PM.

    Hi Everyone,

    The slides of Week 4 Lectures and Demos are available under WebCMS > Course Work > Lectures > Week 4.

    You can also watch recordings of Week 4 lectures on Echo360. You can access these recordings via Moodle through "Lecture Recordings" icon.

    If you have any questions, please post it on the Ed.



  • Project Report Template - Released

    Posted by Sonit Singh Monday 17 June 2024, 10:47:14 AM.

    Dear Students,

    I've now released the project report template. You can find template on WebCMS.

    WebCMS > Project > Project Report Template

    You can also download it from Ed post



  • Select "Projects" and update it on WebCMS

    Posted by Sonit Singh Monday 17 June 2024, 10:43:01 AM.

    Dear Students,

    I hope you are doing well. It's good to see that 136 teams have already been formed on WebCMS. As a next step, you need to choose project from the "Projects List" and update it on the WebCMS. Here are the instructions.

    1. First, go through different projects in the "Project List" under WebCMS > Project > Projects List and discuss with your team members to finalise an interesting project.

    2. Please update the selected project on the WebCMS. You can simply edit the project description and write Project ID and its name (See screenshot below where one team did it).

    Here you can see that Team "Need responsibility" has chosen project "ID 027; Fashion Item Classification using Deep Learning".

    Please do the same so that we know what project your team is doing and then we can assign relevant mentors and come up with the mentoring timetable to start from Week 6.



  • Week 3 Tutorial Solution Available

    Posted by Sonit Singh Friday 14 June 2024, 05:28:26 PM.

    Dear Students,

    The sample solution along with its video for Week 3 tutorial is available under WebCMS > Course Work > Tutorials > Week 3.

    Kind regards,


  • Weekly Consultation (CSE HELP Session) on Thursday 1-2 pm in Quadrangle 1046

    Posted by Sonit Singh Friday 14 June 2024, 09:30:13 AM.

    Dear Students,

    We will be having consultation session on every Thursday from 1pm - 2pm in Quadrangle 1046. Please join the consultation if you have any course related questions or need help regarding assignment or group project.



  • Week 3 Lecture Slides, Demos, Assignment 1, Projects List, and Lecture Recordings Available

    Posted by Sonit Singh Wednesday 12 June 2024, 03:41:12 PM.

    Hi Everyone,

    The slides of Week 3 Lectures and Demos are available under WebCMS > Course Work > Lectures > Week 3.

    You can also watch recordings of Week 3 lectures on Echo360. You can access these recordings via Moodle through "Lecture Recordings" icon.

    Assignment 1 has been released. You can access it via WebCMS > Assignment 1 > hw1 - Character and Hidden Unit Dynamics. The deadline is 02 July 2024.

    Projects List and Project Marking criteria has been released. Please go through these documents and find an interesting project. Once you have identified the project from the given list, you can modify the group description on WebCMS providing Project ID. This will help us to match right mentors.

    If you have any questions, please post it on the Ed.



  • Week 3 Activities

    Posted by Sonit Singh Tuesday 11 June 2024, 09:35:21 AM.

    Dear Students,

    In Week 3, we will be having the following activities:

    1. Lectures (Tue 2pm-4pm; Wed 11am-1pm) covering topics on Cross Entropy, Softmax, Weight Decay, Momentum, and Hidden Unit Dynamics
    2. Tutorial (go to your respective tutorial) for questions on Probability, Entropy, KL Divergence, Wasserstein Distance, Overfitting and Generalisation.
    3. Assessments: Assignment 1 will be released. Also, project list will be released so that you can choose projects based on your interests. We will go through these details in Week 3 Wednesday lecture. Please attend or watch recordings to know details about the assessments.
    4. Form team for the group project.
      1. Each team must have 5 members (no more than 5 or less than 5 members are allowed)
      2. We will be releasing a list of projects this week and as a team you have the flexibility to choose an interesting project.
      3. Once you have a team of 5 members, you can create a group on WebCMS.
      4. Please give a sensible name to your group. I can see some groups have name in the form of emojis. Could you please rename it?
    5. Creating Group Types
      1. Go to "Groups" > "Group Types".
      2. Click "Create".
      3. Fill in the fields as required.
      4. Click "Create".
    Join an Existing group
    1. Discuss with members of the existing group.
    2. Click on "Join" to join an existing group.

    Note: At the moment, more than 100 students are not part of any team. The deadline to form a team for group project is Week 3 (16 June 2024, Midnight). Please be part of the existing team (if there are less than 5 members, always check with existing members before you join the group). Otherwise, make a post on Ed and get 5 members and then create a new group on the WebCMS.

    As always, if you have any questions, please post it on the Ed forum and we will try to respond within 24 hours.


  • Week 2 Tutorial Solution Available

    Posted by Sonit Singh Friday 07 June 2024, 04:55:32 PM.

    Dear Students,

    The sample solution along with its video for Week 2 tutorial is available under WebCMS > Course Work > Tutorials > Week 2.

    Kind regards,


  • Week 2 Lecture Slides and Lecture Recordings Available

    Posted by Sonit Singh Wednesday 05 June 2024, 01:12:47 PM.

    Hi Everyone,

    The slides of Week 2 Lectures are available under WebCMS > Course Work > Lectures > Week 2.

    You can also watch recordings of Week 2 lectures on Echo360. You can access these recordings via Moodle through "Lecture Recordings" icon.

    If you have any questions, please post it on the Ed.



  • Week 2 Activities

    Posted by Sonit Singh Monday 03 June 2024, 03:03:47 PM.

    Dear Students,

    In Week 2, we will be having the following activities:

    1. Lectures (Tue 2pm-4pm; Wed 11am-1pm) covering topics on Probability, Generalisation, Overfitting, and an overview of PyTorch
    2. Tutorial (go to your respective tutorial) for understanding and applying Backpropagation by hand.
    3. Form team for the group project.
      1. Each team must have 5 members (no more than 5 or less than 5 members are allowed)
      2. We will be releasing a list of projects next week and as a team you have the flexibility to choose an interesting project.
      3. Once you have a team of 5 members, you can create a group on WebCMS.
      4. Please give a sensible name to your group. I can see some groups have name in the form of emojis. Could you please rename it?
    4. Creating Group Types
      1. Go to "Groups" > "Group Types".
      2. Click "Create".
      3. Fill in the fields as required.
      4. Click "Create".
    5. Join an Existing group
      1. Discuss with members of the existing group.
      2. Click on "Join" to join an existing group.

      As always, if you have any questions, please post it on the Ed forum and we will try to respond within 24 hours.

  • Week 1 Tutorial Solution Available

    Posted by Sonit Singh Friday 31 May 2024, 08:34:46 PM.

    Hi Everyone,

    I hope your first week of tutorials was both exciting and enriching. The sample solution along with its video for Week 1 tutorial is available under WebCMS > Course Work > Tutorials > Week 1.

    If you have any questions, please post it on the Ed.



  • Week 1 Lecture Recordings Available

    Posted by Sonit Singh Wednesday 29 May 2024, 03:14:16 PM.

    Hi Everyone,

    The video recording of Week 1 lectures (Tuesday and Wednesday) are now available on Echo360. You can access these recordings via Moodle through "Lecture Recordings" icon (See below).

    You will find that there are two options, one for Tuesday lecture and another for Wednesday lecture. Ideally, they should be at the same place, but this is what AV technology support.

    If you have any further questions about the content, please post them on Ed and the team will respond as soon as possible.



  • Tutorials and Tutors Name

    Posted by Sonit Singh Wednesday 29 May 2024, 10:52:24 AM.

    Dear Students,

    Many of you want to know who your tutor is. Although I would love that you can turn up to your first tutorial and say "hello" to your amazing tutor and get their name and learn what amazing research work they are doing. Anyway, here are their names.



  • Week 1 Lecture Slides Available

    Posted by Sonit Singh Wednesday 29 May 2024, 08:46:26 AM.

    Hi Everyone,

    The slides of Week 1 Lectures are available under WebCMS > Course Work > Lectures > Week 1.



  • Week 1 Activities

    Posted by Sonit Singh Monday 27 May 2024, 01:01:01 PM.

    Dear Students,

    In Week 1, we will be having the following activities:

    • Lecture A: Tuesday; 2-4 pm; Science Theatre (K-F13-G09)
    • Lecture B: Wednesday; 11-1 pm; Science Theatre (K-F13-G09)
    • Tutorial: Check timetable for your respective tutorial time

    You can check your timetable at

    Lecture slides will be made available before the lecture on WebCMS.

    WebCMS > COMP9444 > Course Work > Lectures > Week 1

    Week 1 tutorial questions are released on WebCMS.

    WebCMS > COMP9444 > Course Work > Tutorials > Week 1

    It's good to see few questions posted on the Ed Forum. I highly encourage you to ask questions publicly (not private) so that everyone can get benefit from those questions and answers. For any reason, you don't want to reveal your name, there is an option to put question anonymously, still keeping question or post public.

    See you in tomorrow's lecture



  • COMP9444 Learning Platforms

    Posted by Sonit Singh Wednesday 22 May 2024, 01:01:46 PM.

    Dear Students,

    As we navigate through the excitement of O-Week and look forward to the first lecture, please make sure that you have access to course materials across various learning platforms. We will be making use of mainly three learning platforms:

    1. Moodle: If you are officially enrolled in the course, you will get default access to the Moodle course page. Please Login to Moodle and make sure you can access course page "COMP9444-Neural Networks, Deep Learning - 2024 T2". We will be using Moodle only for myExperience survey towards the end of the term and for Echo360 (lecture recordings).
    2. WebCMS3: Again, if you are officially enrolled in the course, you will get access to the WebCMS3 course page. If you can read this Notice, you have access to WebCMS. You can check Course Outline (see left menu items) and timetable (for lectures and tutorials). We will be releasing lecture slides (under Lectures) before the actual lectures (except first lecture)
    3. Ed: This is a bit tricky. We need to manually add you to the Ed platform. Based on the latest enrolments (669 students), we have added you to the Ed. If you have used Ed before for any course, you will be enrolled straightaway. However, if this is for the first time you are using Ed, you will get an invitation to join. Please check your UNSW email and follow the link to join Ed.

    Note: If you can access Moodle and WebCMS for the course but can't access Ed, it might be that Ed is not able to figure out your correct student email from your zID. Please send an email to and we will add you with correct details. Please provide your zID in the email.

    I hope all of you will ensure that you have access to these learning platforms before our first lecture.

    Kind regards,

    Sonit Singh

  • Welcome to COMP9444 24T2

    Posted by Sonit Singh Monday 20 May 2024, 10:54:06 AM.

    Hi Everyone,

    Welcome to COMP9444 2024 Term 2 starting next week. We are excited to have you onboard for this exciting learning journey about neural networks and deep learning!

    The course will be delivered partly in hybrid format. There will be lectures on Tuesday (2 pm-4 pm) and Wednesday (11 am-1 pm). Please check timetable (See the Menu panel on the left). Lectures will also be recorded, so if you can't attend lectures in-person, you can watch lecture videos afterwards.

    Please check course outline (Click on the "Course Outline" link available in the Menu panel on the left) and go through course structure, assessments, and class contact details.

    In terms of learning platforms, we will be using mainly the following:

    • Moodle as an entry point for the course, watching Echo360 lecture recordings, and filling myExperience survey.
    • WebCMS3 (this platform) for releasing lecture slides and any other resources for the course
    • Ed (Click on "Ed link for the course" on the left) for Q&A and embedded course content.

    On behalf of COMP9444 teaching team, which includes Dr. Alan Blair (co-lecturer for this course), Zhongsui Guo (course admin), and 20 amazing tutors, I wish you a great learning experience for this course!

    Good luck!

    Sonit Singh

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