
  • Project marks, Provisional results released

    Posted by Arcot Sowmya 7 years ago.

    The project mark and the provisional results have been released, you may check them as usual.

    Do note that the provisional results are PROVISIONAL, and subject to approval from school and faculty.

    Good luck to everyone in your further studies and future endeavours.

  • Test 2 Marks Released.

    Posted by Manna Elizabeth Philip 7 years ago.

    The Test 2 marks has been released on sms, you may access it by:

    9517 classrun -sturec

    You may have to wait 24 hours for it to be picked up by webcms3, and access it by:

    Timetable →

    Select 1PGA or 1UGA (postgraduate/undergraduate) →

    Select the “marks” icon (similar to a bar chart) against your name.

  • Thank you, and myExperience still open

    Posted by Arcot Sowmya 7 years ago.

    The project demos took place today, and thanks to all student groups for being there on time and demo'ing their project work.

    Thanks also to all markers for their time and effort.

    The reports and code are due on Friday 5 PM, see instructions on submission.

    The myExperience S1 2018 surveys are STILL open until 7 June and the survey link is available from within Moodle.

    Your completing the survey with your constructive feedback is valued and useful for further improving the course.Thanks to everyone who has completed the survey. There is still time to complete i t if you havent already done so, and we would appreciate your inputs.

Upcoming Due Dates

There is nothing due!


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