The marks for the Group Project have been released. All marks for T2 must be finalised by 5pm today, so if you have any concerns please let us know quickly. You can access your marks by logging in to your account and typing:
9517 classrun -sturec
The WebCMS3 system updates overnight so you may not be able to access the marks through WebCMS3 until tomorrow. To see your marks on WebCMS3:
The final exam will be available on Moodle from 9am on Thursday 20th August to 9am on Friday 21st August , via the link Final Exam Paper . To format your answer, please use the template available via the link Final Exam - Template .
Your exam answer should be submitted using the link Final Exam - Submission via Turnitin . Do not use the file upload box within the Moodle quiz. You will be allowed unlimited submissions up to the due date. Your similarity score will be visible, but after the third submission it will not be recalculated until after the exam finishes.
If you have any questions about the exam paper you may email
. The LIC will be online from 9am to 6pm on Thursday 20th August to answer questions. Instructions on what to do in the event of technical issues or illness during the exam are included at the start of the exam paper.
The marks for Lab 5 have been released, along with any penalty applied if there was a high similarity score on Turnitin. The total lab mark has also been released. Note that the total includes any penalties applied for late submission of labs, so it may be lower than the sum of the individual marks.
Dear students, in preparing for the COMP9517 online exam, please carefully read the UNSW Important Information for Online Assessments, which you can find on the Special Consideration webpage (about halfway down that page). Specifically, read the Online Exam Preparation Checklist, and the sections on Technical Issues, Fit to Sit, Time Zones, and relevant information in the FAQ section.
Dear students, the COMP9517 exam will be on Thursday 20 August 2020. As stated in the course outline, the exam is worth 40% of the total course mark, and consists of critiquing a paper from literature based on what you have learned in the course, just like in Lab 5 but with a different paper. You will have 24 hours to complete the exam, from 9AM on 20 August until 9AM on 21 August, and will need to submit via Moodle just like you have done with other recent assignments (the link will be announced). I wish you all the best with the last steps! Erik.
Please submit just the code for your project on WebCMS3, not the trained model, images or anything else. The file size limit is 20Mb.
A link is now open on WebCMS3 for you to submit your code only for the group project. This link can be found under Course Work->Assessments->Project->Project Source Code Submission 20T2 . A .zip file is the only format that will be accepted and the max file size is 20Mb.
Please remember to submit your report separately on Moodle via Turnitin using the link labelled
Project Report Submission via Turnitin.
Only one student in each group needs to submit the report and code.
Please don't forget to fill out the T2 2020 myExperience survey:
You can complete your survey via:
Your constructive feedback is highly valued and appreciated and helps us improve the course for future students. We are particularly interested in your feedback regarding the online learning experience.
The project demos will take place this week during the lecture hours. Please make sure you have checked the project demo schedule to find your allocated day, time and stream #.
All students in each group must be present for their group's demo. Please join the meeting at least 15 minutes prior to your allocated start time, with your microphone muted. You are welcome and encouraged to watch other demos.
The meeting links and further instructions can be found in the project demo instructions:
Good luck!
The group project report will be submitted via Turnitin on Moodle, in the same way as Lab 5. This link is now available on Moodle and is labelled "Project Report Submission via Turnitin". You will be able to see your similarity score. You can submit as many times as you like up to the due date, which is Friday 7th August at 23:39 (midnight) , but after the 3rd submission Turnitin will take 24 hours to generate your updated similarity score. So use your submissions wisely.
Dear students, as announced, this week we will be showing you various example applications of computer vision. They are now available on Echo360. Two of our tutors are presenting their COMP9517 group project demo of last term, as inspiration for your own group project demos. Another tutor is demonstrating a personal project he's been working on. And the remaining videos are presentations given at the IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI) in April 2020, including from our own researchers at CSE and GSBmE, as well as from researchers at other universities in the world. Enjoy! Cheers, Erik
We have updated the settings on Turnitin to allow you to see your similarity score. You can resubmit as many times as you like until the due date. However, after submitting 3 times Turnitin will not generate your new similarity score for 24 hours. For this reason we have decided to extend the deadline for Lab 5 until
23:59 (midnight) on Friday 31st July.
For other questions about Turnitin, please read the discussions on Piazza.
Last night the Turnitin settings were adjusted to provide a similarity score on submission of Lab5. If you submitted previously and didn't receive a similarity score, you can resubmit your lab to see your score. After 3 submissions, the similarity score is not calculated for 24 hours.
The T2 2020 myExperience survey is now open. More information can be found here:
You can complete your survey via:
Please take the time to complete the survey. Your constructive feedback is highly valued and appreciated and helps us improve the course for future students.
The project demos will be held during the lecture hours in Week 10:
Instructions explaining how the project demos will be run have been posted to the course website under Course Work->Assessments->Project->Project Demo Instructions - 20T2. Please make sure you read these instructions carefully well before the date of the demos and check the project demo schedule so that you know the date, time and stream # of your demo.
The demos will be held on Microsoft Teams and due to a tight schedule, if you miss your slot we will not be able to give you another one. Please join the Teams meeting at least 15 minutes prior to your scheduled time . Please join with your microphone muted so as not to disturb the other demos. You are welcome to stay and watch other demos.
Remember all students from a group MUST be present for that group's demo.
Dear students, yesterday's lecture by Dr. Yang Song was the last theoretical part of the course. The remaining lectures of Week 8 and Week 9 will not be about new theory but will consist of demos showing various deep learning and computer vision applications. Today's lecture by Dr. Yanming Zhu provides a practical tutorial/demo of deep learning to complement yesterday's lecture. Next week we will show you a series of applications of computer vision, illustrating how many of the techniques you have learned in the course are used in practice. Best wishes, Erik
To submit Lab 5, log in to Moodle, go to the COMP9517 20T2 course page and click on the link labelled "Lab 5 submission via Turnitin". Then click on the link labelled "Submit Paper" in the bottom right of the screen. Lab 5 is due on Wednesday 29th July at 11:59pm (midnight).
The lecture slides (Deep Learning for Computer Vision) for week 8 are now available on the course website under Course Work -> Lectures -> Week 8
In Week 10, each project group will give a demonstration of their work, along with an optional PowerPoint presentation. Each demonstration should take no more than 10 minutes, followed by 2 minutes for questions. A provisional schedule for these demonstrations is now available on the course website under Course Work->Assessments->Project. The demonstrations will take place on Microsoft Teams and further instructions will be given closer to the date.
Please check the schedule now for your group's allocated time. All students MUST attend their own demonstration, and are encouraged to attend other demonstrations. As the demonstrations are being held during normal lecture hours, all students should be available. However, if you have a VERY valid reason for needing to swap to a different time slot, please let me know IMMEDIATELY . No demonstrations can be done outside of the lecture hours.
The solution for Lab 4 is now available on the course website under Course Work->Lab Activities->Lab 4.
The marks for Lab 4 have been released. Please note that late penalties, if any, have not yet been applied, but will be applied at the time of grading. You can access your marks by logging in to your account and typing:
9517 classrun -sturec
The WebCMS3 system updates overnight so you may not be able to access the marks through WebCMS3 until tomorrow. To see your marks on WebCMS3:
Lab 5 is now available on the course website under Course Work->Lab Activities->Week 7.
Lab 5 is due in Week 9, and will be submitted via the Turnitin plagiarism checker on
not through WebCMS
. Further instructions will be provided closer to the due date.
The lecture slides for week 7 are now available on the course website under Course Work -> Lectures -> Week 7
Reminder - Please include your zID in all communication with the course admin or tutors! It adds to our workload and slows down our response to you if you do not. It may even mean not getting a response!
The solution for Lab 3 is now available on the course website under Course Work->Lab Activities->Lab 3.
The marks for Lab 3 have been released. Please note that late penalties, if any, have not yet been applied, but will be applied at the time of grading. You can access your marks by logging in to your account and typing:
9517 classrun -sturec
The WebCMS3 system updates overnight so you may not be able to access the marks through WebCMS3 until tomorrow. To see your marks on WebCMS3:
Upon request we have made more image sequences available for the group project. An updated zip-file is available from
Specifically, for each of the 3 types of data, 4 sequences are now available (the images are 8 bits/pixel). For the first 2 sequences of each type, hand-drawn masks are available for some of the cells in some of the images (these masks are 16 bits/pixel), which may be used for training models if needed. Notice that the zip-file contains all available sequences from the cell tracking challenge for these types of data. No more data is available, so your methods should be able to work on the data provided.
A new link has been provided to download the image sequences for the project, as the previous link imposed a download limit and did not allow you to download the full set.
The marks for the Assignment have been released. Late penalties have been applied where applicable. You can access your marks by logging in to your account and typing:
9517 classrun -sturec
The WebCMS3 system updates overnight so you may not be able to access the marks through WebCMS3 until tomorrow. To see your marks on WebCMS3:
The specification and other information regarding the group project are now available on the course website under Course Work->Assessments->Project.
From weeks 6-9, instead of a lab session, each group will be meeting individually with your tutor weekly on Teams to discuss the progress of your project. These meetings count towards your assessment (see marking criteria). You may use the scheduled lab session hour on Fridays 1-2PM or arrange another time with your tutor. Over the next few days your tutor will set up a Team on Microsoft Teams for each group. The Team name will be the same as your group name. You may use the Team to communicate with your group members as well as your tutor.
The solution for Lab 2 is now available on teh course website under Course Work->Lab Activities->Lab 2.
The marks for Lab 2 have been released. Please note that late penalties, if any, have not yet been applied, but will be applied at the time of grading. You can access your marks by logging in to your account and typing:
9517 classrun -sturec
The WebCMS3 system updates overnight so you may not be able to access the marks through WebCMS3 until tomorrow. To see your marks on WebCMS3:
Lab 4 is now available on the course website under Course Work->Lab Activities->Week 5.
Please make the most of tomorrow's lab session by reading the lab spec and starting work on the questions.
I am looking for one volunteer who is in a project group of 5 people to swap to the group 'Go lakers' as they have only 3 members because some students have dropped the course. If you are happy to swap please email the course admin on by Thursday. Thank you.
The lecture slides for week 5 are now available on the course website under Course Work -> Lectures -> Week 5
If you need to share your code privately with your tutor during a lab session, you can use the private chat facility of Teams. To do this:
You can use this facility to share your code privately, but still speak with your tutor in the meeting.
When submitting your lab work, please create a .zip file containing your code and your resulting images as separate files. From this week on, marks will not be awarded for your results if your images are not included along with your code.
After submitting your work online, always look at the Check Submission tab on the submission link to make sure that it has been received. If it has not been received it cannot be marked.
The solution to Lab 1 is now available on teh course website.
The lecture slides (Image Segmentation Part 2) for week 4 are now available on the course website under Course Work -> Lectures -> Week 4
Lab 3 is now available on the course website under Course Work->Lab Activities->Week 4. Please make the most of tomorrow's lab session by reading the lab spec and starting work on the questions.
The marks for Lab 1 have been released. Please note that late penalties, if any, have not yet been applied, but will be applied at the time of grading. You can access your marks by logging in to your account and typing:
9517 classrun -sturec
The WebCMS3 system updates overnight so you may not be able to access the marks through WebCMS3 until tomorrow. To see your marks on WebCMS3:
The meeting invitation you were sent last week for the labs was a recurring invitation. Therefore you should all have a meeting scheduled in your Outlook and Teams calendars for each Friday. (There is no need to accept this invitation again.) Please follow the link in this invitation to join your tutor for the lab session on Teams.
If you do not have a meeting invitation in your calendar, first please check back through your emails to find the invitation you were sent and accept this. As a last resort you may email your tutor to ask for the link. There are some technical issues with Teams that could mean you have not received an invitation.
The lecture slides (Image Segmentation Part 1) for week 4 are now available on the course website under Course Work -> Lectures -> Week 4
The lecture slides (Part 2) for week 3 are now available on the course website under Course Work -> Lectures -> Week 3
Lab 2 is now available on the course website under Course Work->Lab Activities->Week 3.
Please make the most of tomorrow's lab session by reading the lab spec and starting work on the questions.
By now you should all have received a meeting invitation to your Friday lab session. From this week on, the meetings will not be accessed via the channels, but only by following the link in the meeting invitation.
Please note that the labs are not a tutorial. The tutors are only there to answer your questions on the lab. If we were all physically on campus, you would come to the lab, work on the questions during the lab session and ask the tutor for any help you needed as you progressed. Please treat these online lab sessions in the same way and work on the lab questions during the lab hour, asking your tutor for help online if you need it. You will only benefit from the lab sessions if you have done some preparation.
The lecture slides (Part1) for week 3 are now available on the course website under Course Work > Lectures> Week 3
Submissions links for the Assignment and Lab 1 are now open on the course website, under Course Work->Assessments->Assignment and Course Work->Lab Activities->Week 2.
Your tutors will be online today from 1-2pm on Microsoft Teams to answer your questions about Lab 1.
The Team is named
COMP9517 20T2
and there is one channel per tutor. To see who your tutor is, check the Project/Lab Group lists posted at the top of the page under Course Work->Assessments.
Even if you don't have a question about the lab, please drop in briefly to meet your tutor and say hi!
Lab 1 is now available on the course website under Course Work > Lab Activities > Week 2
The marking criteria for the assignment are now available on the course website under Course Work -> Assessments -> Assignment.
The lecture slides for week 2 are now available on the course website under Course Work > Lectures> Week 2
The project/lab groups have now been finalised. If you were not in a group you have been allocated to one. Groups that had less than 5 students have been allocated additional students.
Please check to see which group you are in and who your tutor is by consulting the lists under Course Work->Assessments at the top of the page. There are two lists - one sorted by group name and one sorted by student ID.
Labs start this week and the lab sessions will be held on Microsoft Teams on Fridays from 1-2pm . In the Team COMP9517 20T2 there are sixteen channels - one for each tutor, with the same names as the tutors. To attend the lab session and consult with your tutor, click on your tutor's channel. Please wait for your tutor to start the meeting , then you will be able to join. Attendance at these sessions is not compulsory but this is the only opportunity for a face-to-face consultation with your tutor.
The lab instructions will be released after the lecture on Thursdays.
For students currently in China, UNSW now has a 'China Students Access Network' to provide UNSW students in China more seamless network access to UNSW resources and functions from their homes abroad. There is more information at
In COMP9517, we are using Piazza as the forum where students may post questions about the course material. To use Piazza, you must enroll in the COMP9517 class on Piazza. So far less than half of students have done so. Please do this ASAP as there is valuable information on the forum about the assignment. To sign up, please follow these instructions carefully:
1. Follow the
in the
main menu on the course web page
labelled Forum - Piazza
2. Sign up for the course in Summer 2020 (you can't log in until you have signed up)
3. Use the access code
when requested.
If you have had a problem signing up to Piazza it is likely that you have not followed these instructions, which were posted at the start of term. Please do this before requesting help.
This is also the last chance to form your own project group. From Tuesday morning we will be allocating students to groups.
For the Assignment and the Labs you are to use OpenCV 3+ with Python 3+. Software instructions can be found in the OpenCV Tutorial and Lab Requirements under Course Work > Lab Activities.
Assignment 1 is now available on the course website under Course Work -> Assessments -> Assignment. Marking criteria and submission instructions will be released next week.
Labs for COMP9517 begin in Week 2. You will be given detailed instructions to follow for each lab. There will be a tutor available online during the lab hour (Friday 1-2pm) for face-to-face consultation. If you choose not to attempt the lab during the lab hour, you may post questions on the forum, but there will not be another opportunity for face-to-face consultation. The labs will be submitted via the course website for marking.
The lecture slides for week 1 are now available on the course website under Course Work > Lectures> Week 1
Don't forget to form groups of 5 for the project and labs by the end of this week. Instructions on how to do this were posted on the course webpage, under notices. If you are not able to form a group you will be allocated to a group next week.
The lecture slides for week 1 are now available on the course website under Course Work > Lectures> Week 1
Labs for COMP9517 will begin in Week 2 and the Lab hour is scheduled for Friday 1-2pm. As you know COMP9517 also has a group project. You will each have one tutor assigned to mentor you for your labs and the group project, so you will have the opportunity to get to know that tutor throughout the term.
Please form your project groups this week and we will create lab groups by combining project groups. There must be 5 students in each group . If anyone has not been able to form a group by Tuesday 9th June, we will allocate you to a group.
Being an online course, you may not have the opportunity to meet other students from the course in person, making it more difficult to form groups. But we have set up a class team in Microsoft Teams, called COMP9517 20T2, to which you have all been added. Here you will be able to see the names of other students in the course.
To see who is in the course:
To register your project groups:
If you have any problems please post on the forum.
Hi Everyone,
Welcome to COMP9517 in 20T2! The course website will be on WebCMS3 and all course material will be found there, but we are using Piazza as our communication forum. A link to Piazza can be found in the main menu on the course web page.
It is up to you to sign up to the COMP9517 class on Piazza. Follow the link in the main menu on the course web page. Use the access code 2020vision when asked.
Please post any questions you have about the course on Piazza. Have a great term!
Annette Spooner
Course Admin
Dear Students,
Welcome to COMP9517 Computer Vision 2020 T2 starting this week. We hope you are all doing well (given the circumstances) and ready to go.
Please have a look at the Course Outline (available via the menu in the left panel) for more details on what to expect and what’s expected in this course.
Per university instructions the course will be delivered entirely online. See the Course Outline for the modes of delivery used for the various course components.
We will keep you posted weekly on the activities to help you stay on track. The first video lecture will be available on Thursday via Echo360.
The Course Admin will follow up shortly with further instructions on tutor groups and the first assignment.
On behalf of the entire COMP9517 Team I wish you a great time learning about computer vision.
Erik Meijering
Lecturer in Charge