
  • Project marks

    Posted by Raymond Wong 7 years ago.

    Project marks have been sent to your CSE email address. Please follow the time slots listed in the email and see your tutor, if you have queries regarding your marks.

  • Project demo and final submission

    Posted by Raymond Wong 7 years ago.

    As mentioned by your tutor in the lab, the final demonstration of your project will take place during the lab in Week 11 (next week), and the final submission of your project will be due by Friday night of Week 12.

    You may refer to the Assessment Guideline regarding how the demo will run and what you need to submit in your final submission. It also includes some marking guidelines.

    Deadline: Friday 25th May 23:59 . This is the deadline for all the submissions (i.e., report, project and your peer ratings). Late submission may attract penalty. Please liaise with your tutor or the lecturer in advance, if your group has problem to meet this deadline.

    One member of your group should submit the report (in PDF) and the source code (in zip or tgz format with a makefile and a readme file inside, up to 50MB in size) using the give command. If your project source is larger than 50MB, please make a special arrangement with your tutor or the lecturer in advance. Your project should be compiled and built successfully by running make, and any installation, setup, build or config information should be included in a readme.txt file there.

    The project source should be self-contained. That is, if your project uses any external libraries or software tools that are not available in CSE machines, please include them in your zip or tgz submission. Optionally, each group member may submit a peers.txt file as described in the Assessment Guideline.

    The give submission specification is as follows (you may replace cs9900 with cs3900 as appropriate):

    give cs9900 report report.pdf

    give cs9900 project OR give cs9900 project project.tgz

    give cs9900 peers peers.txt

    Please note that There is a wrap-up lecture in Week 12 (Tue 22 May 13:00-15:00). I'll answer any questions that you may have regarding the final submissions above. Some examples of the peers.txt will be discussed.

  • Proposal submission instructions

    Posted by Raymond Wong 7 years ago.

    Your should have your team formed, topic chosen, Trello (or JIRA) and Bitbucket accounts created by end of this week. Please also remember to start writing your work diary from this week onwards. Details of these plus the guideline for the proposal can be found from the Assessment Guideline and from the lectures (esp. Lecture Week 2).

    The proposal is due on Friday Week 3. Details are as follows:

    Deadline: Friday 16th March 23:59 . Late submission attracts penalty of 10 percentage every day. Please liaise with your tutor or the lecturer in advance, if your group has problem to meet this deadline.

    One member of your group should submit the proposal (in PDF less than 10MB) using the give command. If your proposal is larger than 10MB, please make a special arrangement with your tutor or the lecturer earlier. If more than one member submitting, we will mark an arbitrary one of them (so please do not submit multiple versions by multiple members).

    The give submission specification is as follows:

    give cs9900 proposal proposal.pdf


    give cs3900 proposal proposal.pdf

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