
  • Report, Project, and Peers Marks Released

    Posted by Tatjana Zrimec 5 years ago, last modified 5 years ago.

    This is to let you know that Report, Project, and Peers marks are released in both SMS and WebCMS3. Please do get in touch with your mentor if you need further feedback.

  • Project Demo Marks Released

    Posted by Tatjana Zrimec 5 years ago, last modified 5 years ago.

    The Project Demo marks are released in both SMS and WebCMS3. Please contact your mentor if you need further feedback.

  • Thanks for successful joint project demo session

    Posted by Tatjana Zrimec 5 years ago, last modified 5 years ago.

    I would like to thank all groups that attended the project demo session today and demonstrated their well designed and successfully implemented systems. Congratulations for your creative solutions.

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