
  • Welcome to DPST1093 / CPTG1393

    Posted by Harshana Randeni Kadupitige Monday 26 August 2024, 10:07:06 AM, last modified Monday 26 August 2024, 10:18:26 AM.

    Hello everyone and welcome to Software Engineering Fundamentals!

    We have a few activities to get you started:

    1. Please always keep your MS Teams app on - this will be the primary driver for communication with the teaching staff for this term ( 2024 T3 DPST1093 - CPTG1393 | General | Microsoft Teams )
    2. Class Resources and Materials
      1. WebCMS - this is the primary class website, not Moodle. Links to all class materials will be published here
      2. GitLab - this is where our code will live and where our automarking will be done
    3. Accounts
      1. Please log into WebCMS ( ) so that an account can be created for you
      2. Please log into GitLab ( ) so that an account can be created for you
    4. Group Project
      1. During this course, 60% of your assessment will come from a group project. During this week, you may make indicate a preference for ONE team mate here ( ). They must be in the same tutorial/lab time as you.

Upcoming Due Dates

There is nothing due!

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