
  • Solution for A24 (in Sample exam)

    Posted by Ashesh Mahidadia 7 years ago.

    For A24 in the Sample exam, either (a) or (b) are correct (there is a typo mistake). By the way, in the final exam, only one answer will be correct! if in doubt, select the most suitable answer.

  • Solution for C1b from Sample exam

    Posted by Ashesh Mahidadia 7 years ago.

    One possible solution for the question C1(b) is

    vs = sort(v);
    m1 = vs( length(vs) );
    m2 = vs( length(vs) - 1);
    m1 - m2

    In case the above is not clear, here is the screen dump:

    You can also write the above with fewer statements, if you wish!

  • Pre Exam Consultations

    Posted by Ashesh Mahidadia 7 years ago.

    Pre Exam Consultations:

    • 11am to 11:30am Monday 06/Nov ember/2017 in Room 403, K17 Building (if required, time will be extended),
    • 11am to11:30am Wednesday 08/Nov ember/2017 in Room 403, K17 Building (if required, time will be extended)

Upcoming Due Dates

There is nothing due!


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