
  • SENG2011 marking

    Posted by Albert Nymeyer 6 years ago.

    You should be able to use 'classrun' to see your marks for the course to date (not the project report yet as marking is still underway). You can 'collect' feedback on Assignment 2 from the course website.

  • Final exam, myExperience and marking

    Posted by Albert Nymeyer 6 years ago.

    I have added a new link to the website called Exam that contains the first page of the final exam and some notes about the paper. Let me know if you have any specific questions.

    Not many have yet responded to the myExperience survey. To encourage a better response rate, if at least 70% of you respond to the survey then I will give every student that has passed the course and is just one mark off the next grade a bonus mark. So someone with a raw mark of 64 will get a final mark of 65. Similarly for 74 and 84. Last year a surprising 13 students went up to the next grade as a result (I've never had so many students on the grade edges before).

    I am about 1/2 way in marking Assignment 2. It's a lot of work as I am running all 6 Dafny solutions that each of you submitted (that totals to about 400 programs!).

  • Initial Project Report marking

    Posted by Albert Nymeyer 6 years ago.

    Everyone should be aware of their group mark for the Initial Project Report. You may like to know that there were 3 groups in the top tier (marks 18 to 20), 7 groups in the middle tier (marks 12.5 to 16.5) and 4 in the low tier (marks 12 and below). It was marked out of 25 of course. Every group has received feedback on their initial report. There is also a blurb called ' Initial-Final Project Report comments' on the Project page that is the result of interactions I have had with the mentors. You should read this as you prepare your final report. It is quite short.

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