
  • Consultation Today - Thursday 13 May

    Posted by Fethi Rabhi 4 years ago.

    If you can't access level 4 with the lift, send me an email and I will come and get you.


  • Fethi will be available in his office this coming Thursday (13th of May) 10-12

    Posted by Armin Chitizadeh 4 years ago, last modified 4 years ago.

    Hello everyone,

    Fethi will be available in his office, Room 406 K17, this coming Thursday (13th of May) 10-12.

    Use it, If you have any query related to D5 or the course in general.

    If you want to contact me, the course admin, you can email me directory.


  • Six teams are going to the Second-Year Software Engineering Macquarie prize Grand Finale.

    Posted by Armin Chitizadeh 4 years ago, last modified 4 years ago.

    Dear students,

    The Grand Finale of the Second-Year Software Engineering Macquarie prize is almost here.

    Six teams are chosen to present for the Second-Year Software Engineering Macquarie prize Grand Finale.

    The teams are:

    • ??
    • Epic
    • Creative Original
    • Jess and Co
    • Coca Cola
    • AT3K

    Each of these teams needs to send me, Armin, a video link containing a 10-min presentation about their system by the 20th of May which will be evaluated by the sponsor. I recommend using Youtube or UNSW Microsoft One Drive.

    In addition, each of these teams needs to make a short presentation online on the 27th of May ( not all team members must be present). Participation is optional and does not affect their grade in any way. Further details will be sent to these teams directly.

    This year we had many talented teams. Choosing a few to present to the Macquarie Group was not easy. I want to thank you all for your great effort this term.

    Let me know if you have any question.


Upcoming Due Dates

There is nothing due!


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