
  • Discrepancies between WebCMS and myUNSW Marks

    Posted by Nick Patrikeos 🐾 3 years ago.

    Hi everyone,

    If you find that there is a difference between the course mark in your results email and the final mark in WebCMS from when we released marks the other day - the course mark in your results email is correct.

    We made a slight error in summing up the marks to display to you on WebCMS meaning that the final value was 3 marks higher than it should have been. We have rectified this issue and if you check your marks in WebCMS now they should be consistent with your results in myUNSW. None of your raw sprint or portfolio marks have changed or had any errors.

    We're really sorry about this - this probably disappoints a few of you :( Please reach out if you have any further concerns and enjoy the rest of your holidays!

  • Wrapping it All Up 🧩

    Posted by Nick Patrikeos 🐾 3 years ago.

    Hi everyone,

    Congratulations on completing SENG2021.

    We made it - the course is over and you have all done a spectacular job!

    Release of Sprint 4, Final Portfolio Marks + Final Course Mark

    The following marks are now available to view under the Grades section on WebCMS:

    • Your final mark for Sprint 4 ( / 100)
    • Your group's final report mark ( / 30) - note that this comprises part of your Sprint 4 mark;
    • Your final portfolio mark ( / 15)
    • Your overall project mark , Sprints 1, 2, 3 and 4 combined ( / 80)
    • To save you the trouble of calculating it yourself, your final course mark ( / 100).

    If you are distressed by receiving your marks you can always reach out and seek some support, Lifeline is available 24/7 and UNSW provides free Counselling and Psychological services .

    If you have any questions about any of your marks, please email the class account ( Please do not contact your mentor as we are handling all queries regarding marks centrally.

    Requirements and Design

    You've done a lot of reflection throughout the course - but we want you to take one last time to think and be proud of how far you've come and how much you've achieved - you have all come an exceptionally long way from being fresh out of COMP1531 and are now further down the road to becoming a Software Engineer. We're sure that many of you didn't even know you were capable of creating the services and applications you did before the course. Well done.

    The Sydney Opera House is an example of impressive physical design and architecture - elegant and long-lasting; and they are the characteristics of software we've sought to write in this course. Just in case you were still curious about the course photo :)

    So, where next?

    To get you excited, some courses that you will be taking as part of the SE degree in future...

    • COMP2511 - how to design and write beautiful software using design principles and patterns;
    • DESN2000 - user-centric design, requirements engineering, product management;
    • SENG2011 - formal reasoning about programs;
    • COMP3311 - databases! We know those!
    • SENG3011 - the third-year workshop where next year we will be diving into the brave new world of toolchains and DevOps!!

    Thank you for being an incredible cohort of students to work with both online and in person - you are all fantastic and will go on to do amazing things. Feel free to stay connected to us virtually via LinkedIn and please come and say hi if you see us on campus!

    Finally, we just want to give a shout out to your terrific mentors - Chinmay, Webster, Max, Tina, Giuseppe and Chris - without them this course couldn't function and they have put in many long hours supporting you and providing you with feedback.

    All the very best for T2 and beyond.

    Fethi, Nick and the SENG2021 22T1 Teaching Team

  • Atlassian Jira Learning Path

    Posted by Nick Patrikeos 🐾 3 years ago, last modified 3 years ago.

    Hi everyone,

    Hope your exams are going well.

    Atlassian are launching a training program for tertiary students and educators in using Jira. If you're interested in learning more have a read!

    I’m so excited to share that Atlassian University has launched its first ever FREE training program for higher education students and educators.

    We are currently running a pilot of this program and would love for you and your UNSW students to be a part of this.

    Benefits of the program

    Getting your first job in technology is competitive: stand out in your field with proficiency in Atlassian’s industry-leading tools. Get free Atlassian University training in Jira Software , along with a path to earn badges and your first Atlassian certification.

    What are we teaching?

    We’re starting with the Jira Project Administration learning path which prepares students to take the ACP-620 Managing Jira Projects Certification Exam.

    The learning path has over 30+ hours of content and contains the following:

    • Jira Fundamentals
    • Jira Essentials with Agile Mindset
    • Gain project insights through JQL
    • Managing Jira Projects
    • Managing Permissions in Jira
    • Agile Boards and Reports
    • Basic Reporting in Jira
    • Customizing Workflows
    • Managing Jira Projects Certification

    We are also providing labs which allows students hands-on practice and exercises within the tool.

    Who can enrol?

    • A current student, faculty, or staff at a higher education institution
    • Must have a valid .edu, , or or other edu email address

    All information and sign up can be found here- Atlassian University for Higher Education

    Sign up is available now! We will have a restricted number of spaces for this pilot so we encourage early sign up.

    Further questions

    All info can be found through the above link, including a Contact Support section.

Upcoming Due Dates

There is nothing due!


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