Lecture Code

You can access all code written in lectures here .


There are 4 core types of lectures in this course:

  • 🍕 Admin (Course Overviews, Introduction of Assessments)
  • 🏠 Design (Software Design & Architecture)
  • 🔨 Tools (Lectures to teach you useful skills for the project)
  • 🏈 Teamwork (Project Management, working in a team)
  • 🚀 Software Development (General topics around the development of software)

Week Number Topic Content PDF Recording
1 1.1 🍕 Admin Course Overview Preface , PDF
1.2 🍕 Admin Project Overview PDF
1.3 🏈 Teamwork Project Management
1.4 🍕 Admin Sprint 1 No Slides Video
1.5 🔨 Tools PM Toolchain PDF
Video , Setup
1.6 🚀 Software Development Bonus - Lessons in Software Engineering
(Guest Lecture - Rob Pike)
No Slides Video
2 2.1 🏠 Design Modern Software Architecture
(SENG3011 Lecture)
2.2 🏠 Design Software Stacks
(Guest Lecture - Nine)
PDF Video
2.3 🏠 Design Application Programming Interfaces
(Guest Lecture)
PDF Video
2.4 🔨 Tools API Documentation
(SENG3011 Lecture)
PDF Video
2.5 🚀 Software Development Cloud Services
(Guest Lecture - AWS)
No Recording
3 3.1 🏠 Design
Software Security
(Guest Lecture)
PDF Video
3.2 🍕 Admin
Sprint 2
No Slides Video
3.3 🔨 Tools
Advanced Persistence
3.4 🏠 Design
Data Modelling
PDF Video
4 No Lectures
5 5.1 🍕 Admin Sprint 3 No Slides Video
5.2 🔨 Tools Frontend Fundamentals PDF Video
5.3 🔨 Tools Frontend Design PDF Video
5.4 🏠 Design System Modelling PDF Video
6 No Lectures
7 7.1 🚀 Software Development Software Quality Management & Assurance
(Guest Lecture)
Coming Soon Video
8 8.1 🍕 Admin Sprint 4 No Slides Video
8.2 🍕 Admin Portfolios No Slides Video
8.3 🏈 Teamwork Team Dynamics & Team Theory PDF Video
9 No Lectures
10 No Lectures

Resource created Thursday 03 February 2022, 05:49:27 PM, last modified Tuesday 02 April 2024, 11:41:42 AM.

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