[Week 10] Project progress report results, this week's presentation and myexperience
Posted by
Wen Hu Tuesday 19 April 2022, 01:50:35 PM.
Project progress report result is available in webcms and give.
We will have another talk by a SEN3993 student at 9am, this thursdays. The details can be found in the Team channel.
The myExperience survey is now open.
Please enter your feedback for us to improve the quality of the course.
[Week 7] A gentle reminder that the progress report will be due on this Sunday
Posted by
Wen Hu Wednesday 30 March 2022, 11:29:58 AM, last modified Wednesday 30 March 2022, 11:33:18 AM.
Please see
this link
for the details. There are some discussions in the Team channel on this. If you have any further questions, please don't hesitate to ask.
[Week 4] Marks for project proposal, marking rubric for project progress and fornightly catchup
Posted by
Wen Hu Wednesday 09 March 2022, 09:56:15 AM.
Week 2: Project proposal, fortnightly meetings
Posted by
Wen Hu Wednesday 23 February 2022, 10:09:34 AM.
Thanks for your input to the poll. We will have our fortnightly catchup between 4pm and 4:30pm, Fridays Weeks 2 (tomorrow), 4, 6, 8, 10. I look forward to seeing you on Friday. The meeting Zoom details are available in the
Timetable page
and the Team channel.
A gentle reminder that the submission deadline for
Project Proposal
is 27/02.
Week 1: Polls and Project Proposal
Posted by
Wen Hu Wednesday 16 February 2022, 02:40:04 PM.
Welcome to SENG2991 22T1.
Please enter your choice for the regular meetings here:
Placement project proposal information is available here:
Welcome to SENG2991 22T1!
Posted by
Wen Hu Thursday 10 February 2022, 11:48:21 AM.
Hope you will enjoy the first industrial placement in your program.