
  • Thesis Showcase Posters

    Posted by Helen Paik 8 years ago.

    I've linked the showcase posters in the Thesis Showcase Posters. These will also be printed and displayed in the school building. To Gavin, JJ and Fong, congratulations on achieving great outcomes on your thesis projects.

  • Cancelling the Thesis Showcase event for this semester

    Posted by Helen Paik 8 years ago, last modified 8 years ago.

    Hello, everyone,

    This semester, we only have a very small number to select from for the showcase. So, rather than hosting a showcase event, I will collect the posters from the nominated students and display them on the K17 ground floor … The nominated students will also be invited to present at the showcase at the end of this year. Will soon send individual emails to the nominated students ...

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