Due Dates for Thesis B Deliverables:
Thesis Demo
- Complete your demo by
the end of Week 11 (Friday COB).
The student office will remind the supervisors/assessors to enter the assessment results by the end of Week 11.
Thesis Report
Week 13 Tuesday 11:59pm
, via myCSE. You should also include the abstract.
Thesis Showcase Poster
- If your thesis is selected/nominated for Showcase, a poster needs to be submitted by
Week 13 Wednesday 3pm
. Detailed information about this will be mailed out during Week 12. The Showcase itself is on
Week 13 Thursday 5pm.
Draft Manuscript (for COMP4941 students only)
Week 14 Tuesday 11:59pm
, email the manuscript to your supervisor by the deadline.
Resource created Monday 20 February 2017, 10:02:20 AM, last modified Thursday 23 February 2017, 10:41:32 AM.