To help you get up and running quicker, we have provided a virtual machine (VM) for VMWare Fusion that has:

  • Ubuntu 14.04 LTS
  • ROS Indigo
  • Basic catkin workspace
  • Crosbot
  • COMP3431 starter software

The VM is can be downloaded from:

The VM uses VMWare Fusion which is available for Mac, Windows and Linux. CSE provides free licenses to students. To get the software go to:

Login credentials

The VM has an administrator account setup already.

  • Username: rsa
  • Password: rsa

You should change the password immediately after setting up your VM

unsw_robotics issues

To enable your VM to connect to the unsw_robotics network you need to configure the network options of the VM.</p><ol><li>Open VM setting</li><li>Selection "Network Adaptor" options</li><li>Select "Bridged Network" with "Wi-Fi" option</li><li>Open "Advanced Options"</li><li>Change the "MAC Address" to be the same MAC as your wireless card</li></ol><p>Then in your VM:</p><ol><li>Enable the DCHP wired network connection</li></ol><p><strong><em>These configuration settings will only work on the <code>unsw_robotics network. If you leave your VM open on any other network, you will no longer be able to get an internet connection.

Resource created 8 years ago, last modified 7 years ago.


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