1. What is the least general generalisation of the following two terms:
  2.     f(g(a, b), [1, 2, [3, 4], 5], 1 + 2 * 3)
        f(g(a, h(a, b)), [1, 2, [3, 4, 5]], 1 + 6)

    Include the inverse substitutions in your answer.

  3. Given the following theory:
  4.     p(X, Y) :– q(X), r(Y), s(X, Y).
        w(X) :– d(X), c(X, g).
        w(X) :– d(X), c(X, Y), w(Y).

    and a new clause:

        m(a) :– d(a), c(a, b), d(b), c(b, g), s(a, f), r(f).

    show the result of applying the absorption operator repeatedly to the new clause. In your answer, show the affect of each absorption operation.

  5. Given the following theory:
  6.     p(X, Y) :– q(X), r(Y), s(X, Y), u(Y, 2), v(X).
        p(A, B) :– q(A), r(B), s(A, B), u(B, 3), w(A, B).

    show the result of applying the intra-construction operator to the clauses in the theory.

Resource created 7 years ago.


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