// Abstract Data Type Stack demo
// Marc Chee, April 2021
// This file describes the interface to a stack of ints
// It must be included in other code files to be of use
// ======================================================
// The type "Stack" refers to a stack_internals pointer.
// In other files, programs can use Stack, but they will
// not get direct access to the stack's internal workings
// nor will they know exactly what they are
typedef struct stack_internals *Stack;
// ======================================================
// These functions are the only way external code can
// manipulate a stack.
// functions to create and destroy stacks
Stack stack_create(void);
void stack_free(Stack s);
// Add and remove items from stacks
// Removing the item returns the item for use
void stack_push(Stack s, int item);
int stack_pop(Stack s);
// Check on the size of the stack
int stack_size(Stack s);
Resource created Wednesday 27 January 2021, 01:16:15 PM, last modified Tuesday 13 April 2021, 05:37:10 PM.
file: stack.h