I'll post any problems people report with the assignment files here ... and also fix them in the ZIP files (if relevant).

The problems below will be fixed in the ZIP files for the assignment, but it's often simpler to fix them yourself, since they're generally a one or two line edit. Also, if you simply unzip the ZIP without being careful, you stand a chance of over-writing all the changes you've made so far.

  1. One of the maps of Europe that I provided has some missing links (e.g. rail between Paris and Bordeaux). Unfortunately, it was probably the clearest map. Be careful about using it, until I've fixed it.
  2. The function to remove the Map data structure was called different names in Map.c and Map.h . It's now called disposeMap() in both.
  3. The order/numbering of places in the Places.h and Places.c files caused problems if you were trying to use binary search on the places[] array in Places.c to find place names. The order of "St Joseph and St Marys" and "Strasbourg" was wrong. They need to be swapped in the places[] array, and have their numbers swapped in Places.h and the definitions should now look like:
    #define ST_JOSEPH_AND_ST_MARYS  59
    #define STRASBOURG              60
  4. Anything else ...?

Resource created 9 years ago, last modified 9 years ago.


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