
Name Staff Day Start Time End Time Weeks Room
1UGA John Shepherd
Wed 16:00 18:00 1-9,10-12 CLB 7
Thu 11:00 12:00 1-9,10-12 CLB 7
Thu 12:00 13:00 1-9,10-12 CLB 7


Day Start Time End Time Room Who
Friday 14:30 16:00 Bugle & Horn Labs (J17 305) Michael Simarta
Michael and Stanis will be running this consultation (aka help lab) from Week 1 until end of the session.
Tuesday 11:00 12:30 Bugle & Horn Labs (J17 305) Sandeep Kaur
Sandeep & Jacob will be running this consult from Week 2 onwards until end of the session.

Tutorial and Laboratory Blocks

Name Staff Day Start Time End Time Weeks Room
M09A Jesse Moses
Mon 09:00 10:00 2-9,10-13 Quad G041
Mon 10:00 12:00 2-9,10-13 Tuba K17B9
M09B James Roberts-Thomson
Mon 09:00 10:00 2-9,10-13 Quad G054
Mon 10:00 12:00 2-9,10-13 Oboe ME304
M12A Oliver Tan
Mon 12:00 13:00 2-9,10-13 Quad G041
Mon 13:00 15:00 2-9,10-13 FluteME303
M15A Peter Timothy Kydd
Mon 15:00 16:00 2-9,10-13 Quad G041
Mon 16:00 18:00 2-9,10-13 FluteME303
M15B Addo Wondo
Erick Suparman
Mon 15:00 16:00 2-9,10-13 Quad G042
Mon 16:00 18:00 2-9,10-13 Oboe ME304
T09A Addo Wondo
Tue 09:00 10:00 2-9,10-13 Gold G07
Tue 10:00 12:00 2-9,10-13 Tuba K17B9
T09B Nicola Gibson
Tue 09:00 10:00 2-9,10-13 Quad G054
Tue 10:00 12:00 2-9,10-13 Oboe ME304
T12A Oliver Tan
Tue 12:00 13:00 2-9,10-13 Quad G054
Tue 13:00 15:00 2-9,10-13 Tuba K17B9
T12B Vanessa Ung
Tue 12:00 13:00 2-9,10-13 Quad G042
Tue 13:00 15:00 2-9,10-13 Oboe ME304
T16A Hayden 🎉
Tue 16:00 17:00 2-9,10-13 Gold G03
Tue 17:00 19:00 2-9,10-13 FluteME303
T16B Tue 16:00 17:00 2-9,10-13 TBA
Tue 17:00 19:00 2-9,10-13 TBA
W12A Peter Timothy Kydd
Wed 12:00 13:00 2-9,10-13 Gold G02
Wed 13:00 15:00 2-9,10-13 FluteME303
W12B Rafael Blecher
Wed 12:00 13:00 2-9,10-13 Gold G07
Wed 13:00 15:00 2-9,10-13 Oboe ME304
W12C Nicola Gibson
Wed 12:00 13:00 2-9,10-13 Quad G041
Wed 13:00 15:00 2-9,10-13 SitarME306
W12D Wed 12:00 13:00 2-9,10-13 TBA
Wed 13:00 15:00 2-9,10-13 TBA
W18A Genevieve Anne
Wed 18:00 19:00 2-9,10-13 Quad G054
Wed 19:00 21:00 2-9,10-13 FluteME303
W18B Harry Day
Wed 18:00 19:00 2-9,10-13 Quad 1042
Wed 19:00 21:00 2-9,10-13 Tuba K17B9
H13A James Roberts-Thomson
Thu 13:00 14:00 2-9,10-13 MorvB G5
Thu 14:00 16:00 2-9,10-13 Oboe ME304
H16A Harry Day
Thu 16:00 17:00 2-9,10-13 Quad G026
Thu 17:00 19:00 2-9,10-13 Tuba K17B9
H16B Genevieve Anne
Thu 16:00 17:00 2-9,10-13 Gold G02
Thu 17:00 19:00 2-9,10-13 Oboe ME304
F09A Vanessa Ung
Fri 09:00 10:00 2-9,10-13 Quad G054
Fri 10:00 12:00 2-9,10-13 Tuba K17B9
F09B Brady Watkinson
Fri 09:00 10:00 2-9,10-13 Quad G042
Fri 10:00 12:00 2-9,10-13 Oboe ME304

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