This will place the following files in your directory:

Makefile a set of dependencies used to control compilation
player.c a very simple main program to drive your AIs
dracula.h interface to the Dracula AI
dracula.c skeleton implementation of the Dracula AI
hunter.h interface to the Hunter AI
hunter.c skeleton implementation of the Hunter AI
GameView.h interface to the GameView ADT
GameView.c skeleton implementation of the GameView ADT
DracView.h interface to the DracView ADT
DracView.c skeleton implementation of the DracView ADT
HunterView.h interface to the HunterView ADT
HunterView.c skeleton implementation of the HunterView ADT
Places.h interface to the Places ADT
Places.c partial implementation of the Places ADT
Map.h interface to the Map/graph ADT
Map.c partial implementation of the Map ADT

Resource created 9 years ago.


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