You've already seen this. I put it here to remind myself to do it next year ... if I use this assignment again ...
Unzip'ing will place the following files in your directory:
Makefile | a set of dependencies used to control compilation |
Globals.h | definitions of important Game constants |
Game.h | interface to the Game engine, for AIs |
GameView.h | interface to the GameView ADT |
GameView.c | skeleton implementation of GameView ADT |
DracView.h | interface to the DracView ADT |
DracView.c | skeleton implementation of DracView ADT |
HunterView.h | interface to the HunterView ADT |
HunterView.c | skeleton implementation of HunterView ADT |
testGameView.c | main program containing a few tests for GameView ADT |
testDracView.c | main program containing a few tests for DracView ADT |
testHunterView.c | main program containing a few tests for HunterView ADT |
Places.h | interface to Places ADT |
Places.c | partial implementation of Places ADT |
Map.h | interface to Map/graph ADT |
Map.c | partial implementation of Map ADT |
Resource created 9 years ago, last modified 9 years ago.