
  • Exam Morning Session : delayed start at 09:35am

    Posted by Ashesh Mahidadia 6 years ago.

    Due to the train delays, we will start the morning session 15 mins late, at 09:35am, 10 min reading time, exam starts at 09:45am. If you arrive late, you have two options: apply for the Supplementary exam OR take the exam today with reduced time. Unfortunately we cannot extend time due to another session in the afternoon. If you have any queries, see me on Level 3, J17 Building.

  • Exam Tomorrow!

    Posted by Ashesh Mahidadia 6 years ago.

    As you may expect! you should know all the design patterns we covered in the course, in particular the intents, possible solutions and implementations. Please also read through all the other topics covered in the lecture notes. All the best for your exam tomorrow!

  • Sample exam answers

    Posted by Robert Clifton-Everest 6 years ago.

    Hi everyone,

    Answers to the sample exam questions are available here:

    Note that the solutions to the programming questions are in the 'solution' branch of the sample-exam repo. This is so that people who are still working on the sample exam can avoid spoilers.

    If you've not already gone through the sample exam, we recommend you do so before you look at the solutions.


  • Lab09 marks

    Posted by Robert Clifton-Everest 6 years ago.

    Hi everyone,

    Your marks for lab09 have been released. You can see your mark and what tests you failed by running:

    2511 classrun -collect lab09

    The automarking tests themselves are now included in the class repo (along with a solution to the exercise), so you can run them against your solution yourself if you want to pin down exactly why you may have failed a particular test.

    The majority of you passed all the tests and got full marks, so well done! However, if you did fail some tests, you should find exactly where you went wrong and try to determine why your own tests didn't detect the problem. There will be a question similar to this one in the exam .


  • Pre Exam Consultations

    Posted by Ashesh Mahidadia 6 years ago.

    COMP2511 Pre Exam Consultation:

    • 10:30am to 11:15am Monday 19/Aug, in Room 403 K17 Building.
    • 10:30am to 11:00am Wednesday 21/Aug, in Room 403 K17 Building.

    If required, we will extend the above consultations.

  • Week-09 and 10 Lecture notes

    Posted by Ashesh Mahidadia 6 years ago.

    I have now uploaded lecture notes for week-09 and week-10 , and also the demo files for the Visitor Pattern.

    In the last lecture (on 06/August) we also briefly discussed topics like dependency injection, streams in Java, lambda expressions in Java, etc. Considering these topics will not be in your exam, I am not going to upload lecture notes on them. If you are interested, please watch the lecture on Tuesday 06/August.

    Final Exam: I strongly recommend that you watch the last part of the lecture on 06/August, that discusses " Exam Structure " and related topics. The link to the " Sample Exam (click here) " is also available in the lecture notes on Course Review and Exam Structure .

  • Attending/Watching Lectures

    Posted by Ashesh Mahidadia 6 years ago.

    Please note that only reading the lecture notes and the online forums is NOT enough to cover all the aspects required for his course. You must have attended all the lectures or watched them, there is no substitution for this!

  • Final Exam Seating Allocation

    Posted by Ashesh Mahidadia 6 years ago.

    Your COMP2511 Final Exam seating allocation is now available:


  • Milestone 3 Marking

    Posted by Robert Clifton-Everest 6 years ago.

    Hi everyone,

    Firstly, well done on completing the project!

    Like with milestone 2, the marking for the third milestone will take place in both your tutorial and lab this week.

    • In your tutorial, your tutor will look at your final design and discuss it with you, as well as ask you how you and your partner divided the project up between you.
    • In the lab, the tutor or lab assistant will get you to run your application, ask you questions about it and also try to use it themselves. Note: classes with a lot of groups will have third marker for at least some of the lab.

    To help everything run smoothly, please arrive to your tutorial on time and have your UML diagrams and code ready to show. For the lab, you can demonstrate your assignment on either your own computer or on the lab machine. Please download this dungeon and have it ready to load up in your application . It contains all entities from the spec and will help identify what works and what doesn't (note: depending on the design choices you've made, it might not show all entity behaviour).

    Whether you demonstrate on your laptop or a lab machine, please be ready to do so (laptops charged, latest code pulled, etc.)

    While you're waiting to be marked, we encourage you to look at what other students have done in their projects and compare them to your own. They may have made different choices in their designs and solved problems in alternate ways. That sort of reflection can be very valuable for a project like this.


  • Provisional Milestone 2 Marks

    Posted by Robert Clifton-Everest 6 years ago.

    Hi everyone,

    Provisional marks for milestone 2 are available. If you were marked by both your tutor and lab assistant last week, then you should have a mark. Contact your tutor if this is not the case.

    For the majority of you, your mark for the project will be the sum of the marks for milestones 1, 2 and 3. However, as is noted on the spec, in cases where there is a significant imbalance in work done by group members, the total mark may be scaled to match actual contribution.

    The marking of milestone 3 will be similar to that of milestone 2 (details released in a few days). You must attend both your tutorial and your lab next week to get a mark. Unless you have been given an extension (e.g. special consideration), there is no way to get marked outside of your tutorial and lab .


  • COMP2511 Final Exam Time/Seat allocations

    Posted by Ashesh Mahidadia 6 years ago.

    COMP2511 Final Exam Time/Seat allocations are now available at the following site, you need to login using your zId and zPass.

    There are two exam time slots: Morning (09:15-12:30) and Afternoon (12:20-16:10). Select one of the time slots or if you are available for both, select either is fine.

    Students with another exam on the same day are pre-allocated to the time slot that will not clash.

    Students with special provision are also pre-allocated to a time slot.

    This form closes on Friday of Week-09 (02 August) . Seating allocations (location) will be released in Week 11.

    Email if you have further queries.

    You need to login using your zId and zPass.

    Reminder : This <spanspan" style="">form <spanspan" style="">closes on Friday of Week-09 (02 August)</spanspan"> .</spanspan">

  • Tutorials and Labs in Week 8

    Posted by Robert Clifton-Everest 6 years ago.

    Hi everyone,

    Well done on getting past the 2nd milestone on a challenging project. To maximise the amount of time you get for feedback this week, both the tute and lab time will be used for project feedback.

    The tutorial and lab will still be in the usual places, but instead of working through tutorial exercises during the tute, your tutor will start giving feedback for design and completeness. When you get to the lab, the lab assistant will mark your tests and look over your git/GitLab usage. Note that you need to get marked by both of them to get a mark for this milestone.

    It's essential that you pay close attention to any feedback given. Certain aspects of your design may not lose you marks in this milestone, but if you don't address them by the third milestone, you may lose marks then.

    To assist your tutors, please have your assignment ready to demonstrate. You can use your laptop. It doesn't have to be a CSE machine. If you're currently working on your project, you can stash away any unstaged changes and checkout your submission with these git commands:

    git stash # Stash away any unstaged changes
    git pull --tags
    git checkout submission

    Afterwards, you can restore the previous state with:

    git checkout master # Assuming you were previously on master
    git stash apply


  • Lecture Notes and Demo examples: week-06 and 07

    Posted by Ashesh Mahidadia 6 years ago.

    Lecture notes from week-07, and the demo examples for week-06 (DbC, Collection_compare, iterator) and week-07 (animation, decorator) are now available.

  • JavaFX and JUnit Material

    Posted by Robert Clifton-Everest 6 years ago.

    Hi everyone,

    Just a couple of things you should know.

    Firstly, next week you will be learning about JavaFX in the lectures, tutes and labs. JavaFX can be quite complicated when you see it for the first time, so we have provided a self-learning exercise under "Tuts and Labs" for next week that we recommend you go through before your tutorial. In it you will be going through a similar process to the one you will need in the lab exercise, so if you were thinking of skipping it, it would be a bad week to do that.

    Secondly, as some of you are already up to writing your JUnit tests for milestone 2, I've put up a link to a JUnit tutorial on the Java Resources page on the course website.


  • Lecture notes for week-06 : now available

    Posted by Ashesh Mahidadia 6 years ago.

    The lecture notes from Week-06 are now available. Next week, we will discuss examples on the collection in Java and Iterator Pattern, and later I will upload examples. The examples on Exceptions are available in the Oracle's Java tutorial.

  • Project Corrections

    Posted by Robert Clifton-Everest 6 years ago.

    Hi everyone,

    There have been a couple of small corrections made to the project spec which you may not have in your repo. Firstly,

    The `wall` and `key` entities include an additional field `id` containing a number

    should be

    The `door` and `key` entities include an additional field `id` containing a number


    Blocks the movement of the player, enemies, boulders and arrows.

    should be

    Blocks the movement of the player, enemies and boulders.

    The reference to arrows comes from an earlier version of the spec.

    The first of these issues was spotted last week, so a lot of you already have that correction. The second was spotted only yesterday, which suggests many of you haven't read the spec as thoroughly as you should :-)

    If you want to include these corrections in your repo, you can pull from the class repo with:

    git pull gitlab@gitlab.cse.unsw.EDU.AU:COMP2511/final_project.git

    then push the changes back to your repo.


  • Week-05 Lecture notes and demo examples

    Posted by Ashesh Mahidadia 6 years ago.

    The lecture notes for "Observer pattern" (updated) and "Composite patterns", and the demo examples for week-05 are now available.

  • Eclipse on VLAB and lab machines

    Posted by Robert Clifton-Everest 6 years ago.

    Hi everyone,

    Some of you have already noticed issues with Eclipse on VLAB and the lab machines. Eclipse is currently being updated on the CSE systems and that is the cause of the errors you're seeing.

    These updates will be completely shortly, at which point Eclipse should be usable again.


  • Reminder: Project Partners

    Posted by Robert Clifton-Everest 6 years ago.

    Hi everyone,

    This just a reminder to register a group on the course website for you and your project partner. I'll be creating repos for you on GitLab for your project tomorrow, but you won't get one unless you've registered a group.

    Also, for those who have group names with characters that aren't alphanumeric, '-', or '_', you might find I will change your group name in order to be compatible with GitLab. If you'd rather change it yourself, do that before tomorrow evening.


  • Domain Modeling Discussion (Thur 13 June)

    Posted by Ashesh Mahidadia 6 years ago.

    The lecture slides from the last lecture are now available. Please note that you need to listen to the lecture to understand the points discussed in the lecture.


  • Project Partners

    Posted by Robert Clifton-Everest 6 years ago.

    Hi everyone,

    In your tutorial next week (week 3) you will be forming into pairs for the project. If you are not able to attend your tutorial next week you need to contact your tutor and tell them:

    • You already have a partner (include who they are), or
    • You would like them to arrange a partner for you in your absence, or
    • You intend to do the project on your own

    If you do not attend your tutorial or contact your tutor, it will be assumed you do not intend to take part in the project. Your partner must be in the same tutorial as you. You can do the project on your own if you wish, but you will not be marked any more leniently than if you did it with someone else. Choosing to do the project on your own is not grounds for special consideration.

    After you have found a partner, you will need to create a 'Project' group on the course website (click on Groups on the left). Your group name can only contain alphanumeric characters, dashes (-), and underscores (_). Both you and your partner need to be a member of this group by the end of week 3.


  • Demo files from Week-02 (Tuesday) Lect

    Posted by Ashesh Mahidadia 6 years ago.

    Demo files from the today's lecture (11/06/2019) are now available. Please see Week-02 under " Lectures ".

  • Week-02 Tut/Lab and Assignment-1 (draft)

    Posted by Ashesh Mahidadia 6 years ago.

    Week-02 Tutorial and Lab are now available.

    You should also read Assignment-1 (draft) specifications before the next lecture, we will discuss how to get started with your first assignment on Tuesday of Week-02 (next week).

  • Week-01 : OOP in Java and Demo files

    Posted by Ashesh Mahidadia 6 years ago.

    The following two documents, as discussed in the last lecture, are now available. We haven't covered all the topics as yet, we will discuss the rest next week.


  • Welcome

    Posted by Robert Clifton-Everest 6 years ago.

    Hello everyone and welcome to COMP2511 for 2019 term 2!

    Your lecturer for this course is Ashesh Mahidadia, and I (Rob) am your course admin.

    This announcement is both to welcome you to the course but also to let you know that the first week's lab has been released and you can get started on it right now.

    Most of you have done COMP1531, so know how to use git and have an understanding of basic OO concepts. We are aware, however, that there are a small number of you still under the old program and thus have not done COMP1531.

    For those who are coming from COMP1531, you'll notice the first section of the lab is similar to the first lab you did in that course. The only differences are that we are not using GitHub, but instead, an instance of GitLab hosted at CSE, and the example code is in Java. Given this, we expect you can complete this first exercise relatively quickly.

    For those who have not done COMP1531, especially if you've never used git before, we recommend going through this exercise as soon as possible so you can familiarise yourself with a critical tool you will be using throughout the course. If you're unsure of anything, you can bring your questions to your tutor next week.

    The last two sections of the lab are exercises in Java. You're welcome to do them before next week too, but you can wait till you've been to the first lecture and tutorial if you don't feel confident in Java yet. I will be posting some links to Java tutorials on the course website tonight, for those wishing to get a head start.

    Happy Designing and Programming,

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